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funky fresh beats.swf
2,2 MiB, 00:02 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 8/9 -2024 21:38:23 Ended: 9/9 -2024 16:50:30Flashes: 1 Posts: 8
File: funky fresh beats.swf-(2.19 MB, 500x282, Loop)
[_] OC with description inside dedo 3512245 I've had this flash lying around for years but now, with the use of the previous random looping method >># it is finished. I had to abandon the counters though and utilized a sort of a flagging system instead, since there are more than 2 audio loops and it hindered the whole process, especially if I didn't want the loops to repeat back to back. Also I added a movement control to the visuals so you can scroll up or down to see more gifs. .fla for those interested > gf0r6py/funky_fresh_beats.fla/file and the code only > enjoy
>> [_] The Card Queen 3512246 Dedo you nerd
>> [_] Anon 3512254 Pretty neat, I dig the tunes.
>> [_] Anon 3512256 thanks OP very cool
>> [_] Anon 3512258 nice
>> [_] Anon 3512259 I miss when Lethal League was relevant. Candyman was my favorite
>> [_] :v 3512283 Glad to see you still kicking about /f/ren
>> [_] dedo 3512284 thanks for the comments, hopefully I pick up the next abandoned project and post it soon >># same, I thought you dieded in cali lol
Created: 8/9 -2024 21:44:07 Last modified: 11/9 -2024 03:08:36 Server time: 18/09 -2024 20:09:47