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This is the wiki page for Flash #257277
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8,73 MiB, 00:04 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 14/10 -2024 07:23:55 Ended: 17/10 -2024 01:40:59Flashes: 1 Posts: 4
File: Halloween.swf-(8.72 MB, 500x500, Porn)
[_] Halloween Sexy Flash Anon 3513583 "Full moon on Halloween, the hot sacrifice is arriving to the cursed field of flesh eating Jack-o's. Every year the hottest virgin in town must be sacrificed to appease the cursed demons possessing the earth's produce... infesting the food with evil and driving people mad! Some say it's just an old tale to fool hot chicks into getting laid, to avoid that cruel fate... The oldest trick in the book...." I wanted to add that text in the flash, but I had enough already, lol. A little Sunday Project. I can't believe I started and finished it today, a day well spent for sure =)
>> [_] Anon 3513585 looks great for one day, damn. I feel like I've seen this already, or at least the start from another flash that was yours, I think. About a ritual or something?
>> [_] Anon 3513589 >># Yes it is the beginning of "Forest Sacrifice", I redraw the figures and changed the background to accommodate a giant moon.. All of the rest is "new material" lol, maybe I can re-use these ones later for the nuns or other projects. I wanted to add text for every scene change, but It was too late in the day already. I don't think I'll make another thing like that in one day again though xD
>> [_] Anon 3513659 samhaim.swf
Created: 14/10 -2024 07:29:23 Last modified: 17/10 -2024 08:16:55 Server time: 24/10 -2024 02:21:17