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File :[sexy-soccer.swf] - (185 KB) [_] [H] fucking pissing me off Anon 923239 what the fuck does she turn into? Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 923247 /r/ hacked version? >> [_] Anon 923250 well it seems the french cant program >> [_] Anon 923251 after the chick gets big boobs she gets warts. I don't really wanna know whats after that >> [_] Anon 923253 after that her breasts and ass get torn open. I can't get any further. >> [_] Anon 923260 fuck she's turning french >> [_] Anon 923264 >># >># >># Prove it. Post hacked version. >> [_] Anon 923289 crappiest programmer in the world /rnd 1-2 1 block, 2 miss >> [_] Anon 923292 Anon isn't joking (hoped he was). It's like the game wants you to stop playing. >> [_] Anon 923308 Yeah, this is stupid. I made like 12 goals, and not once did I get a point. >> [_] Anon 923312 I got 99.9% of the fucking ball in the goal, and this shitty fucking cock fucker of a game didn't give me the point Plus, there is no fucking skill involved whatsoever, since the goalies moves seem to be totally random Fucking fuck this game. >> [_] Anon 923313 fucking cock blocker goalie. I want to see the sexy girl turn /d/ >> [_] Anon 923316 I kicked left, goalie jumped right, nothing but net but it showed blocked. WTF? Ah well, the bitch is French and ugly anyway (probably has armpit hair down to her ankles). >> [_] ass fan 923317 the ball went in, the goalie went the exact opposite direction of the ball. NO GOAL! D=< >> [_] Anon 923319 I was hoping she'd turn /d/eviant, but she just turns /d/ead. after she loses the panties, she gets warts, then to proceed with undressing, her flesh gets removed, then her entire body gets removed and her head falls to the ground on a bloody puddle. >> [_] Anon 923320 >># ...brb, fappan >> [_] Anon 923321 The fucking goalie is a nigger. IS there any way to know which direction he will go? Otherwise whoeve made this needs to be slapped with a spiked shoe. >> [_] Anon 923322 If you just click you don't give the ball enough upwards momentum to actually reach the goal. Get the line to point into the net on the x plane and then hold the mouse to also set the y plane. >> [_] Anon 923324 >># Why did you even post this? Its a redirect when you "win" Sage >> [_] Anon 923329 >># That doesn't help squat, because you can't tell whether the goalkeeper is going to jump left or right at all. ...kind of just like ni real football, so enjoy your aids football. >> [_] Anon 923344 Here's how it works: Don't just click the soccer dude. Click and hold, then set your height. You want low, of course. Just clicking him seems to default to a bad shot no matter what. >> [_] Anon 923357 I'm hacking it right now. And I'll post pictures when it's done. >> [_] Anon 923364 I love these responses Hilarious >> [_] Anon 923365 Yeah, I played this many years ago. the chick is pretty ugly so I never tried to get further as to the warts/bullet holes. But now I got a program to see the whole swf content, and wow. Crazy shit... Never thought I played such a crazy shit so many years ago. After the her tits "grow", warts/bullet holes, then her ass "grows", then her leg muscles grow, then the tits look like they got drilled by some giant drills and then her ass skin is ripping off, then knee is bleeding and then her flesh is ripping off at the legs (all not animated). Then her head is dropping to floor into a blood puddle because her body is invisible. Inside the swf is a movie clip with a button where you can switch through all stages. I guess if you should be mr super luck over 9000 you come to a screen where you can switch through the whole shit, some unlock something. Too bad she got fur like shit and isnt really cute... >> [_] Anon 923367 >># http://yfrog.com/05sexysoccerp Here you go, turns out those gore ones were right. >> [_] Anon 923384 >># Oh man, that's gross. >> [_] Anon 923387 >># >># lol samefag >> [_] Anon 923402 Anyone going to post a hacked version of this so we can actually see the order? >> [_] Anon 923406 I'm gonna finish the game because I want to see that cunt dead. >> [_] Ren 923444 I ripped the striptease.. >># >> [_] Anon 923447 Wow... such blatant cheating.... how about a hack to force the goalie to only go one direction? Once you get her nude and holding the ball, the goal seems to level up and become Neo. |