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Threads (6):
File[439541_Chuck_s_New_Tux.swf] - (2.12 MB) [_] [?] A flash worth watching? On MY /f/? Anon 1198930 >> [_] Anon 1198932 Yeah, I wonder how he's gonna avoid th-OH DAMN >> [_] Anon 1198946 lolwat >> [_] Anon 1198959 I have beaten this animator at Poker. It was a just and fair battle. >> [_] Anon 1198976 wow. >> [_] Anon 1198989 Oh my... didn't see that coming... >> [_] Anon 1198993 Oh me, oh my. >> [_] Anon 1198994 win. epic win >> [_] Anon 1199024 Older than old. >> [_] Anon 1199029 >># Still fun. >> [_] Anon 1199073 gruesome end out of nowhere, but my god did i lol >> [_] Anon 1199074 Wow...I was just getting ready to type it wasn't worth watching and that /f/ was it's regular self, but then came the end :P >> [_] Anon 1199113 9/10
File[439541_Chuck_s_New_Tux.swf] - (2.12 MB) [_] [?] Chuck's New Tux Anon 1062009 >> [_] Anon 1062010 where are these from?! >> [_] Anon 1062011 Happy Harry Also saw it coming and it wasn't very funny. >> [_] Anon 1062013 I lolled. >> [_] Anon 1062115 I prefer black pinstripe suits >> [_] Anon 1062126 I lol'd heartily >> [_] Anon 1062128 Oh, His tux is ruined.
File :[439541_Chuck_s_New_Tux.swf] - (2.12 MB) [_] [?] Chuck's new tux Anon 1007647 >> [_] Mr. B !jTwseny72A 1007703 Goddamn, Happy Harry is so fucked up. >> [_] Anon 1007706 You've gotta love it >> [_] Anon 1007750 OH NO ADRIAN, LOOKS LIKE THE REDS ARE POLLUTING THE CITY LAKE. WHAT'LL WE DO >> [_] Anon 1007765 I FUCKING LOVE HAPPY HARRY! <33333
File :[439541_Chuck_s_New_Tux.swf] - (2.12 MB) [_] [?] Anon 997744 >> [_] Anon 997752 I love everything this guy makes. This is not even close to an exception. >> [_] Anon 997767 bump!! >> [_] Anon 997780 Holy shit that was awesome >> [_] Anon 997782 bump bump >> [_] Anon 997785 fuck, I lol'd >> [_] Anon 997804 This is fucking awesome. >> [_] Anon 997806 Is that the voice of Roger Rabbit? >> [_] Anon 997809 You've got me. Congrats >> [_] Anon 997843 ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffffffffffffffffffff >> [_] Anon 997941 i was hoping to see the guy's last breath leave him but the flash ended b4 he died :( >> [_] Anon 997956 Awesome ending. >> [_] Anon 997971 >># i think the vomiting his guts out was a good enough call >> [_] Anon 998045 /f/ is good today.
File :[439541_Chuck_s_New_Tux.swf] - (2.12 MB) [_] [?] I hope he doesn't get anything on his new tux! Anon 967599 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 967604 Jesus Christ that's more morbid than happy tree friends. Wow. >> [_] Anon 967608 >># Of course it is, Happy tree friends is pussy-assed bullshit, the bar hasn't been set high. >> [_] Anon 967612 certainly not what I was expecting none the less good show! >> [_] Anon 967657 I laughed more than I should have >> [_] Anon 967662 Oh jeez, that's gonna stain... >> [_] Anon 967726 shit >> [_] Anon 967730 Fuck. I'm too sqeemish for this shit. God damned right I'm proud of it. Must have issues of some kind to not feel remorse about someones guts coming out of places they usually don't. Fucking sick bastards. >> [_] The Mighty Meatslinger !!EidhEtY/lXA 967737 No matter how morbid that was, it's exactly what humor should be: unexpected. Every fucking sitcom and movie that comes out now is just stupid, predictable gross-out cock joke humor and idiotic slapstick. Didn't see this one coming, and laughed my ass off. >> [_] Frost !FIRE9K1rCo 967798 Eh. It's not that it wasn't funny. Because it was. Whether it was enjoyable has everything to do with whether you were ok with sitting there and watching the guy suffer, which I wasn't. >> [_] Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor 8.1 967802 Karma.... dude bumped into a lady, didn't apologize, then a fatty with pizzas, was worried more about his suit. Then fucks over a guy just trying to do his job and paint a wall.... then he gets impaled on a fence... he deserved it. >> [_] Anon 967867 >># >># Faggots. I think it's time to change your fucking tampons. >> [_] Anon 967880 >># Nah.... just gotta wash it quick. >> [_] Anon 967885 I lol'd a little too hard. Think I lol'd my guts out. Do you guys think this is going to stain? >> [_] Anon 967920 I bet people would shit brix if they knew that this guy also made Saturday Morning Watchmen :D >> [_] Anon 968015 >># happy harry has made other cartoons as well...
File :[439541_Chuck_s_New_Tux.swf] - (2.12 MB) [_] [?] dont get anything on your new tux! Anon 959341 Damn, hes got a spot there Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 959348 Oh god i didn't see that coming fucking hilarious, no suprise it's from the same dude who did the saturday morning watchmen short >> [_] Anon 959354 that was awful. two thumbs up op >> [_] Anon 959358 Ahaha, oh wow >> [_] mοοt !Εр8рui8Vw2 ## Αdmіn Anon 959361 I loled heartily. Anyway, since I'm here, how have you been /f/ havent lurked you in a while. >> [_] Anon 959369 >># We're alright. Had a rather bad morning when it came to quality flash, but things are starting to get better >> [_] Anon 959374 Aww, he ruined his tux. =( >> [_] The Laziest Troll 959381 What a tweest! >> [_] Anon 959392 I expected a dump truck or something hitting him. Who knew? >> [_] Anon 959431 >># Hello mootykins, what brings you here :3 >> [_] Anon 959436 >># plenty of time, what more could it be anon? >> [_] discuss. Anon 959444 >># <3 the watchmen one was great too, anything else of hlarity from this author? >> [_] mοοt !Εр8рui8Vw2 ## Αdmіn Anon 959446 >># Actually, i have been quite busy as of late. I'm on /f/ on and off though, just never really have a reason to post anything. Im not sure Why everyone thinks /b/ is my favourie board. /f/ and /v/ are actually my favourites, for anyone that was wondering. >> [_] Anon 959449 yeah is there a flash of the watchmen one, that totally needs a post here. I did not see that ending, totally hilarious. >> [_] Anon 959452 >># I honestly thought /e/ was your favorite board >> [_] mοοt !Εр8рui8Vw2 ## Αdmіn Anon 959456 >># http://happyharry.newgrounds.com/flash/ >> [_] mοοt !Εр8рui8Vw2 ## Αdmіn Anon 959457 >># I go to /d/ more than /e/ honestly :/ Have to get my Futa fix once in a while. >> [_] Anon 959460 >># Holy shit, it's moot! Are you gonna save 4chan again? >> [_] mοοt !Εр8рui8Vw2 ## Αdmіn Anon 959462 >># how do you think I should do that? >> [_] Anon 959463 >># Chemo? >> [_] Anon 959465 >># Take it down for a month so the teenagers get bored with it? Thus taking down your site traffic and eventually dooming the website from lack of funds... Y'know... Nevermind. >> [_] mοοt !Εр8рui8Vw2 ## Αdmіn Anon 959466 >># The thing about chemo is, Afterwards you may not have cancer anymore, but you've lost all of your hair too. its just not very attractive. >> [_] Anon 959467 have a giant you raff you ruse thread, but instead you get banned. >> [_] Anon 959471 >># Better idea, post the sickest shit you can think of in /b/. I mean like back in the days of slicing puppies up. >> [_] mοοt !Εр8рui8Vw2 ## Αdmіn Anon 959476 >># thats just a guro thread, we dont have those cause i guess everyone got bored of them, your welcome to start one if you want but i dont know if anyone will pay attetion. >> [_] Anon 959480 >># Well then I don't know. Is that time limit for image posting still on /a/? Because to tell ya the truth, it doesn't do anything but frustrate. >> [_] Anon 959481 >># >># >># >># >># >># >># yotsuba b silly moot imposter :3 >> [_] mοοt !Εр8рui8Vw2 ## Αdmіn Anon 959484 >># I dont remember, Im not really completely in charge of all that though. i could check. >> [_] Anon 959485 >># Not in charge of it? You're moot... Aren't you supposed to be god here? >> [_] Anon 959486 or at least in charge of 4chan in general? >> [_] Anon 959489 >># what are you? its princess? Oo >> [_] mοοt !Εр8рui8Vw2 ## Αdmіn Anon 959491 >># Im a lazy god though, i have a team of programmers that mostly handle that stuff. >> [_] Anon 959492 >># Um... No? >> [_] Anon 959494 The fuck did I just watch? You go to war and see a guy you went through basic with take shrapnel and shit like this stops being funny... Yet another thing the fucking government stole from me. >> [_] Anon 959502 >># Wait. War Dad Golem? >> [_] Anon 959503 >># sometimes you should just use your power to improve 4chan (or...something like that) >> [_] Anon 959518 extremely well done. i thought of an alternative ending: he hit a nigger and by that got covered in shit. but flash's ending was much better. (you should have removed the jewground numbers from the file name though. do it next time) >> [_] Anon 959519 >># omg its totally moot >> [_] Anon 959525 wow cant believe how many that is responding to moot. last time i saw real moot use his trip on /f/ was when zone posted noel.swf for the first time (he only said "gay") >> [_] Blue 959556 Moot, right now the best thing you could do for 4chan is get the mods in /x/ to step it up more. We get a /b/ raid about every day now, and the stupidity lingers for a good while even after they're done. Please, I think we only have one mod over there (that actually does anything, anyway), and it gets pretty overwhelming. We don't need another /b/, so please do something if you can. >> [_] Anon 959567 He got something on his shoe too. |