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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource C9J8ZXH, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/6 -2010 02:40:53

Ended:29/6 -2010 05:38:36

Checked:16/7 -2010 01:32:11

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[muslims_christians_jews.swf] - (2.99 MB)
[_] [?] [F] for Funny? [C] For Comedy? [HR] for Humor? /f/ needs 06/28/10(Mon)19:28 No.1302169

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)19:32 No.1302175

  [P] for Phail.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)19:37 No.1302180

  Butthurt Muslims, Christian, and/or Jew detected!

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)19:39 No.1302186


  Apparently, it takes two or more muslims to amount to a solitary Jew or Christian. And I didn't
  know that the mods unB& 'butthurt'. Thank you for notifying me.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)19:54 No.1302200

  i'd say [L] for you suck at comedy

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:14 No.1302222

  Well. Yeah. Get three or more Muslims in one room and a single Christian or Jew in another, and
  ask them about their respective religions. The three Muslims MAY collectively know as much about
  their religion as the Christian/Jew knows about his. The Three Muslims will more likely though be
  in complete disagreement about what their religion is actually about and then start fighting one
  another one.

  Islam is a fucking sham, a fake religion that not even its followers know what it's about. In
  short, Islam is just a crutch for people who hate people to use to justify killing people for.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:32 No.1302241

  Half decent routine in and of itself, but the pictures just made it terrible.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:32 No.1302243

  lol for uneven comparisons as opposed to comparisons based on actual averages or samples.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:33 No.1302244

  So next time, play the flash but look in another window?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)20:43 No.1302251

  That's how I came to that conclusion, yo. And as much as I like atheist circle-jerk comedy, he's
  still kinda low tier. Like "local favorite", but a notch or two away from "comedy central
  presents", and a few more notches still from "HBO Presents"

>> [_] The Shermanator !!5ldwieKdHTG 06/28/10(Mon)21:04 No.1302275

  His complaint against Christianity was kind of weak.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:12 No.1302282

  So you assume that just because he's ragging on Muslims, Christians, and Jews he's an atheist?

  Way to be open-minded, ya fucking prick.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:14 No.1302284

  Dig it, fag.

  >During an episode of The Late Edition filmed in October 2007, Brigstocke 'admitted' being an
  atheist, and was presented with an Out Campaign T-shirt by his guest and atheist Richard Dawkins
  to which Brigstocke replied:

  > "Look at that. Outed, outed as an atheist and proud to be so"[12]

  >Brigstocke endorsed Caroline Lucas and the Green Party in their successful bid for the seat of
  Brighton Pavilion (UK Parliament constituency) in the 2010 General Election. [13]

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)21:52 No.1302313

  How about [O] for Old?

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)22:02 No.1302328

  Oh man, one of THESE threads again.

>> [_] Anonymous 06/28/10(Mon)22:19 No.1302364

Created: 29/6 -2010 02:40:53 Last modified: 16/7 -2010 03:36:41 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:45:23