File[Soothing.swf] - (2.09 MB)
[_] [L] NEED MUSIC SOURCE Anonymous 08/11/10(Wed)01:26 No.1342855
I'm looking for source on the music; any help?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Wed)01:37 No.1342859
Not sure. Kinda sounds like Benn Jordan or Helios.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Wed)01:38 No.1342862
Or SubtractiveLAD.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Wed)01:42 No.1342865
That's a start. If you find out, mind posting it here?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Wed)01:59 No.1342875
>>1342859 and >>1342862 here
I skimmed through all my ambient music trying to find it, but I couldn't find that exact song.
It's pretty bread-and-butter ambient, so you can't go wrong with any of the artists I suggested.
It sounds strikingly like Eluvium now that I'm thinking about it, though. I don't know the track,
however. :( Sorry.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Wed)02:27 No.1342890
pale blue dot by benn jordan played backwards
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Wed)02:29 No.1342894
Benn Jordan it is, I believe, from "Pale blue dot"
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Wed)04:11 No.1342958
I have been looking for the sauce FOREVER!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Wed)04:23 No.1342963
The Flashbulb (AKA Benn Jordan)
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Wed)04:47 No.1342972
>> [_] Anonymous 08/11/10(Wed)07:09 No.1343026
almost sounds like something from the SPORE soundtrack.