File[chasm_spasm.swf] - (188 KB)
[_] [G] Anonymous 08/22/10(Sun)23:29 No.1352484
needs more G
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Dr. Killshot !!829ll4qfSQw 08/22/10(Sun)23:48 No.1352489
What the fuck did I just play?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/22/10(Sun)23:49 No.1352492
I'm getting sick of all the newfags and samefags around here.
>> [_] Dr. Killshot !!829ll4qfSQw 08/22/10(Sun)23:53 No.1352497
Just because I've never played this game before doesn't mean I'm a newfag.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/22/10(Sun)23:53 No.1352498
fucking awesome... lives true to its name
>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)00:15 No.1352522
How do you get passed the big crevasse in stage 4?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)00:59 No.1352581
>hurr newfags
please dont use these hurtful words here
>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)01:14 No.1352600
troll detected.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)01:16 No.1352602
I need some tips on this game. Any advice?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)01:17 No.1352604
I can't figure out how to use the power up
>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)02:19 No.1352671
If I remember correctly, you need to get a double squid storm to fill the chasm half way, then
you need a crocodile bonus, and the crocodile will eat the squids and expand to such a size as to
create a bridge. There was another way across that had something to do with a cheetah, but I
don't quite remember how that one went.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/23/10(Mon)02:22 No.1352672