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[_] [G] /r/ Cromartie Flashes. Here's a Game. CaptainFaggotry !!bvzRmt2SDHt 07/26/10(Mon)20:53
Here's something for you, Anon.
A bit old, but a classic Game.
>> [_] CaptainFaggotry !!bvzRmt2SDHt 07/26/10(Mon)20:56 No.1328944
* You can kill an enemy by opening a door. Note that the part that kills them (the star that
shoots out) comes out in the direction of the doorknob.
* Doors with a Magic Halo around them shoot a MASTER SPARK when opened. This kills any enemy that
crosses the beam for several seconds.
* Your objective is to collect all the items in each stage whilst avoiding Alice and her dolls.
* Alice will occasionally stop to perv over Marisa's belongings. Killing her during this is worth
bonus points, as is taking the item she is perving over.
* Springboards can only bounce you so many times before snapping, and sending you tumbling to
your death. Beware.
* There are 10 levels.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)21:05 No.1328948
how do i opened door?
>> [_] Anonymous 07/26/10(Mon)21:43 No.1328967
Walk up to it and press Z, what else?