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This is resource J28SF6W, a Archived Thread.
Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9. Discovered flash files: 1 File[mio hello big bean song2.swf] - (622 KB) [_] [A] Strike Witches - Mio's Hello Big Bean Song v1.1 Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)14:39 No.1319594 Upped the quality, added a preloader, changed the colors a bit. This should do it. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)15:10 No.1319611 What the hell am I looking at? >> [_] Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)15:13 No.1319616 >>1319611 PedoBait. >> [_] Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)15:38 No.1319639 Wasn't able to get into strike witches. Kannagi however was great. >> [_] Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)18:56 No.1319816 >>1319639 Don't let the first two episodes throw you off. It starts really slow, but once more characters are introduced the show takes off. Even the fanservice kind of fits in and does feel completely natural. >> [_] Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)18:59 No.1319818 I remember when that one chick had her panties stolen and was running around bare-assed. That's all I remember. >> [_] Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)19:10 No.1319824 >>1319816 Well maybe I'll give it another shot sometime. >> [_] Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)19:34 No.1319842 >>1319818 (in the strike witches universe, panties are named pants. since all of them are just sporting their pants there's no need to be emabarrassed, right?) One chick (witch #1) who lost her pants while being drunk stole the pants of one colleague (witch #2), who in turn took the pants of another (witch #3). While aquiring a replacement, #3 gets caught, and #2 gets found out, flees and is chased by the rest of the staff while aquiring pants #4. Witch #2 gets chased into the dormitory where she aquires pants #5, flees and trips the base's alarm. Witch #1 apprehends her, #2 is punished and #1 is bestowed with the highest honors her country can offer. A gust of wind finally reveals her wearing the stolen pants. The whole episode is based on an incident where a German ace stole Hitler's hat. >> [_] Anonymous 07/16/10(Fri)20:19 No.1319882 How long are flashs barred from being posted on /f/ again once they drop off? |