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This is resource KE45GIV, a Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/res/1321201 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 8. Discovered flash files: 1
File[jp's themesong.swf] - (6.51 MB) [_] [L] /JP/ /JP/ Carebear !tUGXKxWSpc 07/18/10(Sun)04:24 No.1321201 Is a place for faggotry. >> [_] Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)04:29 No.1321204 Faggy, like whole Japan. >> [_] Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:44 No.1321245 Why do things like this exist >> [_] Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:49 No.1321247 so that whats /jp/ is about >> [_] Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)05:52 No.1321250 Someone should add the annotations from YouTube to it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4jqTLikBqUw >> [_] Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)06:15 No.1321267 is that some original content? >> [_] Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)06:56 No.1321285 i like it but without subtitles it sucks >> [_] Anonymous 07/18/10(Sun)10:03 No.1321365 I heard moot is getting rid of /jp/, how come guys? |