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This is resource KWWDYTC, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:22/8 -2010 01:31:14

Ended:22/8 -2010 04:09:43

Checked:14/9 -2010 16:50:04

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 7.
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File[524937_catmeow.swf] - (2.8 MB)
[_] [L] Serial Cat Killer (Read Inside) Anonymous 08/21/10(Sat)18:29 No.1351460

  >A Cutler Bay teen has been arrested and charged for a slew of brutal cat murders and mutilations
  in Palmetto Bay and Cutler Bay, CBS station WFOR-TV reports.

  Read more here

>> [_] Anonymous 08/21/10(Sat)19:41 No.1351515

  I hope he fucking rots in prison.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/21/10(Sat)20:10 No.1351541

  boo hoo he kills cute things

  more intelligent non-human animals are killed every day

>> [_] Anonymous 08/21/10(Sat)20:27 No.1351553

  Not the same Anon as >>1351515

  I hope he rots in jail because he's 18 and he's got a lot of life of rape ahead of him.

>> [_] Nathan !!eFuOgyMIEPo 08/21/10(Sat)20:28 No.1351554

  Yes, but livestock serves an actual purpose to society as a whole through it's death.

  This is just a sick kid getting off on mutilating cats, most of which probably belonged to
  somebody else.

  Rot in prison, sociofag.

>> [_] Anonymous 08/21/10(Sat)20:51 No.1351563

  prison is the most horrifying thing we have ever let go out of control short of genocide, and
  it's shocking that no one cares

  not just livestock - fish are sentient and feel pain as well, along with innumerable other
  animals (common birds, much forest wildlife, etc) that aren't intended for slaughter either

  so we can mutilate and torture animals because we eat them. you can eat cats too, you know. also,
  we certainly don't use every animal we kill.

  also if the cats weren't owned, would it be fine?

>> [_] Anonymous 08/21/10(Sat)20:58 No.1351565

  Boo hoo.

  Go eat a fucking vegan burger, hippie.
Created: 22/8 -2010 01:31:14 Last modified: 15/9 -2010 00:52:52 Server time: 05/01 -2025 05:57:31