File[ShmupV0.18.swf] - (56 KB)
[_] [G] Ignore this, uploading as a demonstration for a friend Anonymous 07/29/10(Thu)10:37
>> [_] Anonymous 07/29/10(Thu)10:48 No.1331190
You should get around to putting in a score counter at some point so I can brag about how well I
>> [_] Anonymous 07/29/10(Thu)14:29 No.1331313
Not bad. But there's a LOT of crap going on that's there only because it's shiny. And a
low-powered machine will hiccup and get unresponsive because of it.
Put in a quality setting - setting it low, say, turns off the gears in the corners and the
particle bursts when you hit something. In addition to changing Flash's graphics quality setting.
The second level especially - the slowdown wasn't too bad on the first level, but for some reason
the second brought my poor old computer to its knees - 1 FPS (if that) whenever I was shooting.
I'd also like to know what the brown powerups do, and a screen listing what the various bar
graphs represent would be nice.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/29/10(Thu)14:50 No.1331320
This isn't a very challenging game if the screen-spanning wide beam is there by default.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/29/10(Thu)15:32 No.1331357
Pretty easy if you pull ship back and let the lasers do the work. Dodging and collecting items
The enemy laser are way too fucking hard to see. As a side scrolling shooter, you need to be able
to see enemy bullets clearly to dodge them. Plus the background was doing a good job blending the
entire thing together in a big mess.
Otherwise, could be fun.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/29/10(Thu)16:27 No.1331372
Also, enemy missiles should go away faster.