File[Ultimate Touhou Flash.swf] - (6.22 MB)
[_] [G] Cirno shooter Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)05:58 No.1317531
Name that song niggers
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)08:45 No.1317581
Jesus christ it's Necrofantasia. Yukari's theme from PCB.
Anyone fucking knows that.
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)12:19 No.1317655
wtf is going on in the background
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)12:23 No.1317660
pretty sure it's cheating for the boss to go outside the frames unless you're up against homing
>> [_] Anonymous 07/14/10(Wed)12:32 No.1317663
Yukari vs Reimu. Yukari's spellcard: Sinister Spirits "Double Black Death Butterfly"