File[The Company of Myself.swf] - (3.21 MB)
[_] [G] the company of my self Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)01:11 No.1299990
fucking hard game
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)01:32 No.1300005
make too many copies and the game fucks up
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)03:09 No.1300045
I beat it. I can't stop bawwing really. Amazing game. Kudos to the maker.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)03:23 No.1300053
Meh, this game is like talking to myself in my head and it's pretty damn boring.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)03:28 No.1300055
nice game, beat it, the last level is pretty much only luck though
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)03:34 No.1300059
Yeah. Kinda spam a hundred people and run off their heads.
>> [_] MalfunctioningSub-Processor723 !w7ld71BIBY 06/26/10(Sat)03:36 No.1300063
Sad. Good.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)03:41 No.1300065
Wow this was awesome and touching at the same time.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)03:54 No.1300077
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)05:37 No.1300131
for those who haven't played it, you should play prometheus, it's a UDK made game. They used the
same concept as this game.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)08:31 No.1300184
reminded me ALOT of braid
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)08:50 No.1300191
I really don't know what to do about that level with one gap in the middle that's way too far to
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)09:10 No.1300197
Nvm, I figured it out.
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)09:13 No.1300199
Anyone refuse to complete the level where you are forced to sacrifice your girlfriend?
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)09:24 No.1300204
Stuck on level 11, the one with the green beam bridge across, halp?!
>> [_] Anonymous 06/26/10(Sat)09:26 No.1300205
nm got it