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[_] [G] Bang! Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)00:43 No.1337473
Post them funnies.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)01:17 No.1337502
Was fascinated by this. Starting killing people like crazy to find out who they are. Were.
So touching.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)01:26 No.1337508
You have killed Ms. Guillema Ivanoff, a 10-year old artist from Longmont, CO. She was a member of
National Association for Black Veterans.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)01:29 No.1337510
You have killed Margarita Wilgosh, a 11-year old scribe from Santa Clara, CA. She will be
succeeded by her beautiful husband, Ollie, and her children, Wheeler, Shayne, and Larissa.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)01:35 No.1337516
"You have killed Dolora Valery Dpnq&a, a 57-year old cashier from Bowling Green, OH. She will be
succeeded by her children, Rebecca, Adorne, and Pascale. She was a member of Sea Shepherd
Conservation Society."
no shit, it came up like this.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)02:17 No.1337552
You have killed Zola Nil Messer, a 87-year old mechanical engineer from Greeley, CO. She will be
succeeded by her loving husband, Alford. She was a member of Cocaine Anonymous.
I can't make this shit up.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)02:19 No.1337555
You have killed Newton Brunelle, a 10-year old stripper from Urbana, IL.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)02:21 No.1337558
You have killed Shurlocke Levin Yuengling, a 15-year old woodcarver from Flint, MI. He will be
succeeded by his wife, Belinda.
>> [_] Nutella !PXwQmzy4sA 08/05/10(Thu)02:24 No.1337562
George Mortie IC never got to say goodbye to him friends and family.
>goodbye to him friends and family
>him friends and family
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)02:25 No.1337565
you have killed Mr. Stephens, a 9 year old technical writer...
lol wut
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)02:26 No.1337567
>You have killed Hertha Aeriell McBride Sr., a 18-year old cook from Belleville, IL. She was a
member of Vietnam Veterans Against the War.
>18-year old
>Vietnam Veterans Against the War
>> [_] Nutella !PXwQmzy4sA 08/05/10(Thu)02:30 No.1337569
You have killed Madam Sacha Artspssa, a 12-year old historian from Rochester, NY.
this is pretty fun
>> [_] Nutella !PXwQmzy4sA 08/05/10(Thu)02:31 No.1337571
You have killed Ms. Latashia Petschenig III, a 11-year old manual therapist from Charleston, SC.
She will be succeeded by her caring husband, Sholom. She was a member of American Legion Riders
and British Ballet Organisation.
i. cant. stop.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)02:35 No.1337576
You have killed Dorry Ecocafe, a 10-year old ordinary seaman from Muncie, IN. She will be
succeeded by her children, Jamey, and Sigfried. She was a member of Improved Order of Heptasophs,
Cocaine Anonymous and Military Order of Foreign Wars.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)02:53 No.1337595
You have killed Pen Mevis, a 15-year old oceanographer from Middletown, CT. She will be succeeded
by her caring husband, Marcel. She was a member of International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender and Queer Youth and Student Organisation.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)03:28 No.1337615
You have killed Kelli Timmons, a 15-year old web developer from San Jose, CA. She was a member of
International Society for Cryptozoology.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)03:28 No.1337617
You have killed Tod Ruddy Libadmin, a 13-year old cyclist from San Francisco, CA. He will be
succeeded by his loving wife, Carlina.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)03:35 No.1337621
You have killed Dr. Nevile Lothar Pharr, a 14-year old moneylender from Scottsdale, AZ. He will
be succeeded by his children, Shaun, Madona, Henrie, Peyter, Mitra, Shurlock, Morris, Otho,
Noach, Julianne and Coleman. His life was just starting to look up again, too...
Damn thats alot of kids for a 14 year old doctor. Little whore.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)03:38 No.1337623
19 bullets to kill this fucker.... bullets in the head... wtf
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)03:50 No.1337631
>You have killed Renato Kenny Jr., a 90-year old acrobat from Monterey, CA.
Must have had one great body
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)04:05 No.1337649
You have killed Arther Wallis Ferrell II, a 76-year old philanthropist from Owensboro, KY.
His76th birthday would have been in 1 days.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)04:19 No.1337659
You have killed Carlene Zetts, a 90-year old terminator from Fargo, ND. She will be succeeded by
her children, Taylor, and Ransom.
Oh god, I lol'd so hard.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)04:32 No.1337664
You have killed Lonee Kathie Gertridge II, a 61-year old physical therapist from Arlington, TX.
She will be succeeded by her beautiful husband, Moises.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)04:33 No.1337665
>You have killed Weston Ghantous Jr., a 71-year old king from Conway, AR.
>You have killed Umberto Rodd Sugarman Jr., a 40-year old prince from Fort Smith, AR. He will be
succeeded by his children, Dea, and Emelina.
My god. I killed a king AND a prince.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)04:47 No.1337672
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)04:59 No.1337676
You have killed Allyson Annabel Ehrenholz, a 21-year old housewife from Loveland, CO. She was a
member of National Coordinating Committee to End the War in Vietnam, Air Force Association and
Consumers Union.
You have killed Juergen Wit Rizewiski, a 11-year old hatter from Northampton, MA. He will be
succeeded by his children, Blaine, and Karalee.
You have killed Kyrstin Cathy Pettinger, a 89-year old underwear model from Troy, NY. She will be
succeeded by her husband, Mortie. She was a member of Narcotics Anonymous.
You have killed Brynne Lathangue, a 11-year old police officer from Wausau, WI. She was a member
of Public Citizen.
Gotta love'm all
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)05:17 No.1337686
>Wat Pompeo never got to say goodbye to him friends and family.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)05:17 No.1337690
Did you see Faye Oros's face? Did you see her face when you killed her? Did you hear her scream
in pain? In fear? In agony? I did.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)05:44 No.1337701
You have killed Mrs. Gilbertine Leah Hooton Sr., a 15-year old illusionist from Springfield, MO.
She will be succeeded by her daughter, Iona.
lolwut Sr. I didn't know wemen could be seniors
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)05:50 No.1337704
You have killed Perri Carry Walsh Jr., a 78-year old gladiator from Cambridge, MA. She will be
succeeded by her loving husband, Dov.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)06:05 No.1337711
You have killed Samantha Lappan Sr., a 13-year old industrial engineer from Hemet, CA.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)06:25 No.1337719
so many zombies arrrgggggg oh wait a second
high score!!!!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)06:28 No.1337722
You have killed Bertie Brady Gallouzi, a 47-year old headmistress from Bremerton, WA. He was a
member of Quackwatch, Inc. and International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender & Intersex Law
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)06:33 No.1337728
You have killed Dr. Brice Combee, a 83-year old peddler from Redding, CA. He will be succeeded by
his loving wife, Miran. He was a member of Bionomics Institute and Mennonite Central Committee.
So touching, so heartbreaking, so pretentious that it's unintentionally funny.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)07:05 No.1337744
You have killed Dr. Husain Wayne Waines, a 19-year old diplomat from High Point, NC. He will be
succeeded by his caring wife, Jo Ann. He was a member of Cherokee Nation Warriors Society, The
Society of Hispanic Veterans and National Haymakers Association.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)07:21 No.1337752
You have killed Butler Fielding II, a 24-year old mathematician from Flint, MI. He was a member
of The National Association of Professional Women.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)07:26 No.1337753
You have killed Casi Demeo II, a 85-year old financial adviser from Columbia, MO. She was a
member of Sons of Union Veterans of the Civil War and The National Association of Professional
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)07:28 No.1337754
this was kind of fun in a 'fuck you for trying to tell me I shouldn't enjoy playing videogames,
I'll have fun with this' sort of way for a while, and I thought it was humorous for a while to
see the 91-year old strippers and other random generated shit, but after a while I just got bored.
No sage, but shrug. would not play again, not because it's depressing or anything, just boring.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)07:39 No.1337755
You have killed Elyssa Robbin Gioffre, a 12-year old alchemist from Tulsa, OK. She will be
succeeded by her caring husband, Web, and her children, Wilbert, and Margalit. She was a member
of Compassion Over Killing and Better Business Bureau.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)08:12 No.1337773
I killed two generations of family.
Sunny Shumate II and then Sunny Shumate :(
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)08:13 No.1337774
>You have killed Charlton McMillen II, a 57-year old fishmonger from Milwaukee, WI.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/05/10(Thu)08:15 No.1337777
>Ardelle Koren Mulders would be asking you why you killed her, but she can't, because she's dead.