File[hentaikey girl 5 FULL.swf] - (1.03 MB)
[_] [H] Full hentaikey girl 5 Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)14:53 No.1275831
My name is Fappa and i'm troll.
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)14:54 No.1275833
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)14:55 No.1275835
protip: Rclick -> uncheck loop
>> [_] Â 05/31/10(Mon)14:57 No.1275836
dosent do shit
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:05 No.1275850
WOW. This is the real one! Thanks!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:05 No.1275851
stop it
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:07 No.1275855
omg... it's real...
fap fap fap
>> [_] Billy Mays !g1f1hD3dPw 05/31/10(Mon)15:09 No.1275857
Fail game dont click
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:11 No.1275859
At least this anon delivered.
Unlike ZONE.
After...what is it now, three, four months? Maybe even five, of no flashes, just LOL CAKTEASE
DEMOH. Oh, hey, it'll be released at the end of May, right?
It's May 31st, 4PM Eastern. Already June in Japan. If ZONE had a manager, he'd so be fuckin'
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:13 No.1275863
Zone (maybe genuine?) was in an earlier thread saying "just finishing it off now!" S/he might
make it. Just. In a quarter of the world.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:15 No.1275865
what's with this s/he thing after 5 years? it's a robot, it's genderless.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:15 No.1275866
Just my way of pissing off both sides of the Zone gender debate.
>> [_] Lollipop 05/31/10(Mon)15:16 No.1275867
Doesn't work. found this exact file on another site. the issue is they have tried to unpack the
demo to get access to the rest of the files and have broken it while repacking.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:16 No.1275869
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:24 No.1275879
>you can rest assured that it will be released this month (May)
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:26 No.1275881
>The full version of HentaiKey Girl 5 is coming soon.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:27 No.1275882
>93% (done) Gone back to CS3. CS4 couldn't handle the file anymore either... CS3 runs like a
dream, probably because it has less Adobe AIDS.
I think ZONE should ditch that p.o.s. Flash program and animate by hand like God intended.
>> [_] Lobo 05/31/10(Mon)15:28 No.1275883
uncheck loop, unchecked play when it got to menu, right click nexed my way through it.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:30 No.1275884
ZONE, I don't care if you've got a cock or a vagina in your pants. You've got tentacles in your
heart, turn them to visible porn and share it. You can be my god <3
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:42 No.1275895
S/he won't likely take more than a few days now.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:42 No.1275896
wow, that shit is broke as fuck
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:51 No.1275904
yeah, i read in some other thread yesterday that there were many, many bad things happening from
CS5, plus a corrupted hard drive or something, that together caused delays and loss of data, etc
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)15:59 No.1275908
Some people REALLY need to stop bitching about somebody giving them a golden bar of awesome for
free, but at most 2-3 days later than expected. If you wanna keep bitching about ZONE sometimes
having delays, code your own fucking porn, for us, and we'll bitch you about delays.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)16:00 No.1275909
And then a dog ate her homework, right?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)16:08 No.1275917
Hentaikey member? No? Then shut the fuck up.
>> [_] ZONE !vroT8j4/dM 05/31/10(Mon)16:12 No.1275919
If you want me to send you the old, fucked hard disk and the receipt for the new one, as well as
the new fla file which is now in CS3 format, I will. Maybe I'll throw in the CS5 and CS4 files
too if you'd like to have fun crashing your computer with them.
Anyway, back to work.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)16:12 No.1275920
y u mad tho?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)16:21 No.1275934
next your gonna say to program by hand... in binary...
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)16:23 No.1275937
such great fuzz around here guys lol
>> [_] What? 05/31/10(Mon)16:24 No.1275939
Mine keeps looping.. can't play it!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)16:31 No.1275942
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)16:33 No.1275944
If it will cause you to delay the flash even further, then yes, I would like all of that.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)16:35 No.1275946
I can wait.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)16:37 No.1275952
See, nothing against your work, but I do have a problem with this. Ableton Live never causes my
computer to crash constantly over a period of a few months, and I'm always punctual with my
deadlines. Why aren't artists' machines as capable as mixers'?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)16:38 No.1275953
Shutup faggots, you're all getting it for free.
>> [_] The Janitor !vblZ4/wWS6 05/31/10(Mon)16:39 No.1275955
Yeah, but SOMEONE has to pay for it, first.
You bastards can thank me later.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)16:50 No.1275964
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)16:57 No.1275968
but really, keep up the good work, we love you Zone
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)17:06 No.1275974
hentai key forever
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)17:12 No.1275977
Zone forever, fuck HentaiKey. I've seen their other flashes by other artists and they don't even
compare. Zone's flashes are like the great works of the Renaissance compared to the crap that the
other HentaiKey artists put out.
Which leads me to wonder: why such a skill gap?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)17:27 No.1276001
I wish I was paid to make porn.
I wonder if hentaikey would take me.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)17:45 No.1276010
That's the main reason they keep Zone. Without her/him, no one would pay for their shit.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)17:45 No.1276011
What to say? This will be the best pr0n flash ever made (until Hentai Key Girl 6 of course) and
yes I am getting impatient for it and yes I can criticise you Zone to the end of the Earth but I
shan't. Why? Because it's pointless. I can wank to anything half decent and when this is finally
released I shall wank to this too. WANK.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)17:50 No.1276014
the Renaissance sucked. so just say that s/he's the motherfucking awesome sauce!
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)17:52 No.1276016
as far as I can tell Zone is the best flash hentai artist OUTSIDE hentai key as well, not much
even comes close. that queen's hunt and forest monster stuff was pretty good, if only it had
sound (aside from squishing, wtf is wrong with people? "hrm we could add some moans and screams
of pleasure, eh that'd be too much work, let's fist a mayonnaise jar instead and use the
squishing noises")
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)17:54 No.1276019
>>SOMEONE has to pay for it, first
uh... pretty sure zone generally just posts the flash personally
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)18:11 No.1276038
Zone how close are you to being finished with your piece?
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)18:11 No.1276040
Actually, he does have a manager. And he's always late with his shit. But he never gets fired
because his stuff is the only halfway decent shit on the site.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)18:16 No.1276044
What's up with this? It seems like a legit upload, just broken. Fiddling around with the loop
option, you can see that the buttons work and get to an odd malfunctioning tentacle rape scene.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)18:19 No.1276046
Sometimes... Its worth it.
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)18:24 No.1276049
Jesus ...
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)18:25 No.1276050
Half of you don't seem to realise that there's a fully working demo already up so fuck the shit
that's here and dream about what more there is to cum...
>> [_] Anonymous 05/31/10(Mon)18:55 No.1276070
so many replies. I hope you all realize this is a troll flash.