File[this is yiff o_o.swf] - (90 KB)
[_] [L] F-F-F-FRIIIIIIDDAAAAYYYYY FurFan !!ITx6Th3pbEj 08/13/10(Fri)04:53 No.1344562
if you hate furry... and clicked it... get lost. i fuckin' told ya :3
on a lighter note:
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)05:03 No.1344567
I was fully expecting that to be an ironic and untruthful file name.
Turns it out wasn't.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)05:04 No.1344568
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)05:16 No.1344573
furfan posted it; generally means it's legit.
>> [_] :3 FurFan !!ITx6Th3pbEj 08/13/10(Fri)05:30 No.1344583
^-^ hurrah! for legitimacy!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)05:31 No.1344584
this flash file does nothing for me but the angle and the underboob was brilliant! i'm not in a
furry moment right now which is unusual. must be the friday the 13 thing
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)05:33 No.1344586
this flash always felt too limited for me to ever fap, but it is well done.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)06:08 No.1344598
I'm just surprised that it's actually hetero.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)06:24 No.1344603
I didn't click it, but judging by the filename, responses, and poster name, I'm gonna say YIFF IN
>> [_] :3 FurFan !!ITx6Th3pbEj 08/13/10(Fri)06:38 No.1344613
yess you... DID!! LIAR!
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)07:15 No.1344620
Oh I get it, you're one of those furries who bitches about fetishes and sexual orientations he
doesn't like in his porn, while at the same time pushing his own far worse fetish (furry) on
4chan, right?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)07:18 No.1344621
I like this.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)09:53 No.1344703
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)09:58 No.1344707
at least its not as bad as everything ELSE you post furfan. you have a shitty collection.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)10:35 No.1344731
No, we just don't want to see this crap.
>so why do you click on it
Because I was fully expecting that to be an ironic and untruthful file name, owing to the fact
that nobody really wants to see this crap.
>well why did furfan post it
Because he's trying to push his gay beastiality on us and tell us to deal with it.
No, I don't like it one bit sir.
>> [_] Comander Chan !!VTdF9ptUZgC 08/13/10(Fri)10:48 No.1344740
Furfan is a Furrie 16-year old girl. The worst.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)10:56 No.1344746
Night lights?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/13/10(Fri)11:25 No.1344760
i like your artwork. not a big furry fan but this looked pretty good
>> [_] :3 FurFan !!ITx6Th3pbEj 08/13/10(Fri)11:33 No.1344764
wrong :3