File[take real.swf] - (488 KB)
[_] [?] Original Take Anonymous 08/09/10(Mon)04:09 No.1341168
>> [_] Anonymous 08/09/10(Mon)07:23 No.1341267
God fucking dammit! I was fully expecting that, but it still got me.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/09/10(Mon)07:32 No.1341271
wow that was quiet... awesome
>> [_] Anonymous 08/09/10(Mon)08:09 No.1341278
i new that would happen but still made me jump thanks now i am awake
>> [_] Anonymous 08/09/10(Mon)09:55 No.1341329
didn't get me the first time, never will
>> [_] Anonymous 08/09/10(Mon)09:58 No.1341330