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This is resource VDMA71G, a Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/res/1312821 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13. Discovered flash files: 7
File[mrs-santa-s-helpers_unprotected_by_Ren.swf] - (1.55 MB) [_] [G] Enjoy Ren 07/09/10(Fri)15:33 No.1312821 A few hours coding and looking into Meet 'n Fuck's obfuscated sitelock protection. Result.. 1 bit flipped in the flash and it's unprotected. :) Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 07/09/10(Fri)15:39 No.1312829 >>1312821 lol somebody beat you to it a looooooooong time ago. >> [_] Ren 07/09/10(Fri)15:43 No.1312835 Really? I checked swfchan and could only find every posted the demo, and this full version that was sitelocked. >> [_] Anonymous 07/09/10(Fri)15:52 No.1312843 >>1312835 Yeah, because swfchan couldn't tell if the hacked version was different or not for some reason. Here is where to get the hacked one before yours by Rumiko. http://wtfux.org/flash/res/1237.html >> [_] Ren 07/09/10(Fri)16:15 No.1312859 Ahh, I see how he did that.. :) >> [_] Anonymous 07/09/10(Fri)16:20 No.1312861 WE STILL FEEL HUNGER! GIVE US YOUR GIGANTIC BOOBIES TO SUCK UPON, MORTAL WOMAN!!! >> [_] Ren 07/09/10(Fri)16:23 No.1312863 I don't think Ms. Claus is mortal though.. >> [_] Ren 07/09/10(Fri)19:24 No.1312983 Dear jesus, I just hacked one of those MnF games with a preloader.. had to take out 16 checks.. >> [_] Ren 07/09/10(Fri)19:53 No.1313009 Fun... if you look at the MnF front page, as long as you can guess the filename you can download all their latest flashes.. http://www.meetandfuckgames.com/files/flash/one-piece-nami.swf http://www.meetandfuckgames.com/files/flash/jessica-rabbit.swf http://www.meetandfuckgames.com/files/flash/the-night-before-exams.swf http://www.meetandfuckgames.com/files/flash/secretary.swf http://www.meetandfuckgames.com/files/flash/catwoman.swf http://www.meetandfuckgames.com/files/flash/bad-cop-good-cop.swf These are still protected though but you can always look at the scenes in a decompiler. >> [_] Anonymous 07/09/10(Fri)19:53 No.1313010 So why exactly did MnF go to great lengths to protect their crappy games? >> [_] NotAnon !Frz2YYuFcA 07/09/10(Fri)19:56 No.1313013 >>1313010 cause they want people to pay out the ass to play them. >> [_] Ren 07/09/10(Fri)20:02 No.1313017 It's silly.. they put multiple server communication checks up in both preloader and flash itself. Protected with calculated MD5 username/password as far as I could glimpse. And then at the end there is a simple "response==success?" check which is take out easily :) Copy & pasted the same f'ing domain check in there more then 10 times, but it's all the same stupid check. I mean they seem to think that more protection is just a question of putting in more checks instead of smarter checks.. >> [_] NotAnon !Frz2YYuFcA 07/09/10(Fri)20:08 No.1313024 >>1313017 So are you saying youve cracked the preloader locked flashes? |