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Threads (2):
File[144443_HentaiAN18_dressup.swf] - (167 KB) [_] [H] Games that take place in Modern Japan Anon 1220640 In this thread, we make a list of video games that take place in Modern Day Japan that have already made it outside of Japan or has have unofficially been translated. Example: Shodai Nekketsu Kunio-kun (SNES) (Beat'em Up RPG) (Must Need a Translation) Persona 2: Innocent Sin (PSX) (RPG) (Must Need a Translation) Shenmue (Dreamcast) (Adventure, Action-RPG) Now two of those three games require a rom and a patch, complete patches are available on Romhacking.net Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1220646 >Games that take place in Modern Japan >Dress-up game of android girl getting raped by shoop da woop man >> [_] Anon 1220648 I pretty sure Naruto takes place in modern Japan and not feudal, so any video games based off of it. >> [_] Anon 1220650 Click 18's nipples and clit for easter eggs or something like that. >> [_] Anon 1220664 Famicom Detective Club >> [_] Anon 1220727 One of the reasons as to why Innocent Sin wasn't released outside of Japan is because one of the playable Male characters that you get later in the game is gay and he and the main protagonist can flirt with each other during a team contact action. lol the more you know. >> [_] Anon 1220731 gb2/v/ >> [_] Anon 1220746 >># I fucking knew someone was going to say that >> [_] Anon 1220771 Cell looks absolutely delighted >> [_] Anon 1220775 >># So why didn't you start this thread there? >> [_] Anon 1220785 >># Because I usually hang around /f/ and /gif/. And /f/ is a gamer type section as well. >> [_] Lungfish !!pHjSeFqPHYq 1220864 >># instead of /v/, where it might actually be relevant? >> [_] Anon 1220908 R click, play for profit
File[144443_HentaiAN18_dressup.swf] - (167 KB) [_] [H] Anon 1168374 >> [_] Anon 1168442 lol the faces she makes. >> [_] Anon 1168616 h |