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This is resource A2Q46ZO, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/11 -2010 13:00:23
14.2 years ago.

Ended:29/11 -2010 23:07:59
14.2 years ago.

Checked:29/12 -2010 10:27:59
14.2 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 10.
Discovered flash files: 1

 File[denise-milani.swf] - (2.84 MB)
[_] [H] Denise Fucks Superman! Denise Milani 11/29/10(Mon)06:57 No.1426179

  Denise Milani Fucks Superman And Shoots Milk From Her Boobs! YAAY!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)08:56 No.1426201

  > Open something marked [H]
  > See words "Meet 'n Fuck"
  > Close tab

  That's what my trip to /f/ has become. Anyone know why the sudden major influx of 'new' MnF
  games? (And by 'new' I mean re-skinning of the exact same game over and over and over again.)

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)09:33 No.1426208

  The guy posts his demos all over /f/ to try and get people to buy his shitty flashes because he
  had moderate popularity on Newgrounds.

  Basically, he made a few decent flashes, and now he thinks he's hot shit and that he can sell
  these things to us for way too much.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)09:53 No.1426215

  That was terrible.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)10:35 No.1426223

  I second this notion. This MnF stuff is poorly animated and downright shitty, and why the fuck is
  it suddenly flooding /f in such quantity?

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)11:18 No.1426233

  I for one, enjoy most of them.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)12:12 No.1426253

  No they don't, as a matter of fact, they are trying to keep us from posting full versions of
  these games by disguising themselves as regular 4chan users who say they hate seeing this on /f/
  and wished that we'd stop posting them forever so as to keep more of their games from being
  released to the public.

  BTW, the Denise Milani one was never a demo.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)13:25 No.1426272


  Shit's still shit.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/29/10(Mon)16:33 No.1426344

  OP here. I'm uploading the full versions of these games a few at a time. Yes, they're the full
  versions, not demos. The demo guy just posts the shitty ones to get people interested in buying
  the other full versions. That's bullshit because, even though the full versions are fun, they're
  not worth paying for so here ya go. :D

>> [_] Ren 11/29/10(Mon)17:03 No.1426357

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Created: 29/11 -2010 13:00:23 Last modified: 29/12 -2010 10:33:54 Server time: 14/03 -2025 19:07:10