File[massivedamage.swf] - (2.92 MB)
[_] [J] weekly dose time /f/ Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)05:24 No.1422340
also bringing selfmade christmas calendar in two weeks for you /f/. with tuesday theme
nothing "epic", just one another school project.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)05:41 No.1422345
Man as far as I can tell that crab was just out chilling in the country side and then a Japanese
band from the 80s beats the shit outta him. Poor crab
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)06:19 No.1422357
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)13:35 No.1422455
Giant Enemy crab. Attack it's weakpoint for massive damage.
Also Power Rangers need to be more like ShatterHand was in that Push movie.
>> [_] Anonymous 11/22/10(Mon)15:22 No.1422492
showsauce, pretty plz?