File[IdleQuest.swf] - (21 KB)
[_] [G] fufilling /r/ mortsliaF 09/12/10(Sun)04:51 No.1371490
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)04:58 No.1371493
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:02 No.1371495
Hey guise my hobbit knight still hasn't made it past plains wat do?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:08 No.1371498
>mfw it's not a troll
Really could have used a better subject line though OP
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:18 No.1371504
There have been several 300 post threads on this game in /f/ but apparently they're tl;dr so I'll
just summarize them for you.
IdleQuest is a game where you must defeat the Dark Lord in Dark Castle. You do this by traveling
through various areas and grindan' a fuckton.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:19 No.1371505
Your character has three main attributes. They are class, race and specialization. Class is most
important: it affects your equipment and stat development as well as abilities like dodging and
hitting. There are four types of class specific equipment: Rogue (+dex), Mage/Priest (+spells),
Fighter (+HP), Bard (+cha). Your race affects your attribute progression and HP and mana. Your
specialization or "focus" is a hidden attribute that you'll only see as your character progresses
in that he'll develop in more spell more than in others. The effect cumulates over time to such
an extent that by level 15 your character will be about 10x more skilled in his specialization,
i.e. Teleportation lv. 1000, all other spells lv. 100.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:21 No.1371506
There are 6 main attributes.
STR is used to determine your attack damage.
DEX determines how often you dodge and hit.
CON determines your HP gain per level.
INT determines your spell damage.
WIS determines your maximum mana as well as mana regeneration.
CHA determines shop prices and allows you to get better gear at earlier levels.
All these things are also affected by your character class. A wizard with 100 dex will not dodge
as much as a rogue with same.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:24 No.1371507
The spells can be divided into active and passive spells.
Active spells include Fireball, Ice Arrow, Poison and Heal. These can be cast in combat and
consume mana. Fireball is the "nuking" spell. Its damage is affected by fireball level and INT
and mana consumption by fireball level. Poison does less damage initially, but also damage over
time when cast. The initial damage is determined by poison level and INT, but the damage over
time is determined by poison level only. Ice arrow does damage and slows the enemy. The amount of
damage is determined by INT and ice arrow level, while the amount of slowing is determined by ice
arrow level. Heal allows your character to heal in combat. Amount of healing done is determined
by INT and heal level.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:27 No.1371511
Passive spells include Regeneration, Learning, Sixth Sense, Teleportation and attribute-boosting
spells. Attribute-boosting spells increase your attributes by nominal spell level directly. It is
not hard to figure which does what after knowing this. Controversial research comparing a rogue
with hypnosis to a rogue without shows that they may also have other effects such as possibly
increasing damage.
Regeneration grants your character constant HP restoration in combat. It is generally considered
a very good spell for fighters. Learning increases your EXP gain. Sixth Sense and Teleportation
are currently unknown in their effects, but pre-emptive research suggests they increase drop
rates and decrease travel times respectively.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:32 No.1371516
Some general pointers:
The game progresses through different pre-set areas. After playing several games, you'll be able
to figure out whether your character is a good one by looking at how fast he is progressing. As a
rule of thumb, making it to Orcish Caves by level 3-4 signals excellent early success while not
making it there by level 7 is a very bad sign. However, some characters get stronger as the game
progresses, while others start strong and get relatively weaker.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:37 No.1371518
You should think about which spell you want your character to use before creating him. Deciding
specialization for non-magic users is easy: they will specialize in their first spell, except the
Archaeologist who may change focus later. Deciding specialization for magic users is harder,
although a trend will usually be visible by level 4 and they do usually go for their initial
spells. You should roll multiple magic users and run them in parallel if you want to be sure you
are going to get a particular spell.
There are some tierlists around which can give you advice about classes' relative easiness of
play and best race choices for every class, but these are controversial. However, it is generally
thought that magic-users largely have an easier time as the game progresses depending on their
specialization and paladins and bards on the other hand tend to lose their initially high
momentum unless very carefully planned/lucky.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:37 No.1371520
The "Official League" refers to the 4chan community of players who play the flash whenever it's
posted. These threads usually go very high in post count, with the largest one so far reaching
302 posts. So far nobody has beaten a non-hacked version; highest level character screencapped is
a hypnosis wizard level 19, with several magic users and a few rangers questing at above level
10. Some elite players include Wyatt, Glitchmage, Glenn, Sarra, Digger/Backstabby/Dipshit and
kyo. You should not be afraid to post your character and ask for advice.
Happy questing!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:39 No.1371521
your trying to sound smart,but it isnt working...
you left out Forseeing
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:45 No.1371522
Lv.7 is bad? there you go newfagging again..the point isnt to see how fucked you are when you
rushed through.
its to complete the whole swf./game/quest. retard
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:45 No.1371523
bitch pls, forseeing increases wis it is a stat-boosting spell
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:48 No.1371525
>paladins and bards on the other hand [s]tend to lose[/s] DO LOSE their initially high momentum
[s]unless very carefully planned/lucky.[/s] NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO A PALADIN WILL NEVER WIN THE
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:50 No.1371527
Okay fine, you write a better guide then
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:52 No.1371528
Here's the source if anyone wants to figure out what Teleportation/Sixth Sense does.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:56 No.1371532
Guides dont help in this kind of "game" its completely useless.
Guide: Make a character,cross fingers.
thats it
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:58 No.1371536
You're fucking retarded. Which class/race you choose makes all the difference in the world and
you can reroll until you get the spells you like.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)05:59 No.1371539
You that guy who made the hacked version yesterday?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:01 No.1371544
Actually Glitchmage stopped playing and Glenn is now known as BRODO if he plays at all. Wyatt is
only level 9... and where did you leave Padre and Slut?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:01 No.1371545
Regardless of class and or spells.
Every char. created was meant to complete the quest.
That is why ALL of them get the same intro.
If this was not true then you would be told that you will fail,even before you began.`
All you have to do is be patient with the char. specs that you have chosen,and you will
may take a while,but EVERY char. can win eventually
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:05 No.1371548
the point here is to be the first person on 4chan to do so, not win "eventually"
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:06 No.1371552
This is Sarra. Puppy delivery to Sandy Beach completed. After I rid the world of this Boss
Vampire Bat, I'm retiring due to Johnson the Learning specialist wizard having surpassed me in
levels. It's been a hell of a ride.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:14 No.1371558
Fuck yes! THANK YOU!
Reason for hobbits sucking discovered: they suck at both STR and DEX, are actually good at CHA
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:18 No.1371561
Warning: includes MASSIVE spoilers.
Including this: unlike the other guy claimed the final zone is not actually the Castle (even
though that would be implied by the intro) but a place called "The End". Before that you among
other things travel to another planet.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:19 No.1371562
how the fuck did you get that?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)06:41 No.1371587
okay, confirmed from source code: Teleportation decreases travel time. Sixth Sense increases item
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)07:09 No.1371610
I just started but I figured my generic normal guy should start to play. Smith the human just a
dude arch. Woo excitement for only being level 9.
>> [_] dross !N1toQkxgzc 09/12/10(Sun)07:49 No.1371630
FUCK my lvl 11 high elf necro didnt save. or my human archeologist, i only have my half elf
rogue. fuck.
>> [_] Padre 09/12/10(Sun)07:50 No.1371633
lol Padre has been remade so many times now. His new reincarnate form is this:
>> [_] Blade and Soul 09/12/10(Sun)08:00 No.1371636
This is kyo at level 9 and that was for 13 hours and so i leave for work.....i come back from
work electricity flickers off i see computer turned off -sigh- now i gotta get quickening as a
main again :/
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)08:02 No.1371638
So... what, you just let the game play itself?
>> [_] Blade and Soul 09/12/10(Sun)08:13 No.1371642
alright remade Kyo he's a dwarf now maining quickening and concentration http://img340.imagesh
>> [_] Miles 09/12/10(Sun)08:43 No.1371654
Level 7 Gnome Priest back in da hizzay
Foreseeing 34, Regeneration 6, Poison 5, Heal 3....
I'm guaranteed never to die, but the battles are more drawn out than Lord of the Rings
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)09:09 No.1371677
level 16 high elf necro
str 162+144
con 199+190
Dex 273+206
cha 231+164
int 2187+1530
wis 1275+165
hp 605
mana 1916
+42 Frosty flail
+35 impressive banded mail
Demonic Parchment
Poison CXCII, Enlarge Muscles CXLIV, Ice Arrow CLXXX, Resistance CXC
Sixth Sense CLXXXIV, Quicken CCVI, Learning CXCIII, Hypnosis CLXIV
Teleport CLXXXVIII, Concentration MDXXX, Regen CLXXII, Forseeing CLXV
Fireball CLXIV, Heal CLXXIV
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)10:06 No.1371707
And in this corner, we have Adelle!
Level 10 Elf Archeologist (I chose it at first 'cause it sounded like a fun class. I had no idea
what I was doing.)
STR: 15 (+1)
CON: 9
DEX: 72 (+58)
CHA: 35 (+21)
INT: 63 (+5)
WIS: 23 (+3)
Health 35, Mana 38
+26 Deflex Pistol
+20 Holy Diamond Mail
Sharp Glass Bullets (that's right, bitches, she shoots fucking GLASS SHARDS OUT OF HER GUN.)
Teleportation VIII, Enlarge Muscles I, Regen I, Quicken VI, Hypnosis XXI, Concentration V,
Forseeing III, Heal I, Ice Arrow VI, Sixth Sense VI (lol)
Currently massacring tigers at the Oasis because my character's kind of a huge bitch. Do you guys
think my character's got potential?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)10:10 No.1371710
Raccoon the Elf Paladin reporting in. Gained level 9, lost over 100 HP. Wtf.
>> [_] theCrimsonBeard 09/12/10(Sun)11:24 No.1371752
Johnson the Gnome Cowboy, at your service.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)11:25 No.1371753
Don't mind me, guys, I'm just a Hobbit kicking ass and taking names.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)11:44 No.1371768
everyone knows cowboys are the best class
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)11:48 No.1371771
Wyatt is level 10 now, and just because cowboys suck doesn't mean I'm not an elite player. ;_;
He is 67 hours into his quest, I think that should count for something, even if his class is shit
and holding his progress back.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)12:19 No.1371798
this is stupid
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)12:32 No.1371807
Agreed, this shit wont even play when i switch tabs.
this is a waste of everything.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/12/10(Sun)12:37 No.1371811
open in a new window