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Discovered:25/9 -2010 12:07:13

Ended:25/9 -2010 19:03:19

Checked:25/9 -2010 20:23:39

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File[IdleQuest.swf] - (22 KB)
[_] [G] IdleQuest 2.0g: I have no life edition Platinum OP !8nHncBHSeM 09/25/10(Sat)04:58 No.1381757

  2.0 betas
  New features:
  - Class skills (Bone armor, Quickspell, Charm foe, Scoundrel's luck, Power attack) that only
  particular classes can obtain
  - Necromancer trophies
  - Complete overhaul of battle system
  - Rebalancing as usual

  - More bugfixes
  - New rogue class skill: Sneak Attack. Active combat skill.

  - Hotfixes for bug where non-rogue characters would get stuck not attacking

>> [_] OP !8nHncBHSeM 09/25/10(Sat)05:00 No.1381760

  Unfortunately, this will NOT fix characters that are stuck in sneak attack animation forever.

  I'm sorry guys. I was more confident in my code than I should have been.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:01 No.1381761

  Started a new character works for me. Thanks :D

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:02 No.1381762

  The only reason I'll forgive you is because Sneak Attack fucking rocks


>> [_] OP !8nHncBHSeM 09/25/10(Sat)05:04 No.1381764

  Also, I keep forgetting: Changed Scoundrel's luck somewhat because it was overpowered in my

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:07 No.1381765

  Anyone know a good flash player that I can have open 3 times at once?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:08 No.1381766

  does anyone know how to download the game from google chrome?...

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:12 No.1381768

  Google Chrome, just open new windows
  Save link as

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:23 No.1381775

  Or, like with any browser, Ctrl+S on the damn page.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:25 No.1381778

  Dexfag the level 11 Naughty Half-Orc Rogue reporting in

  I'm Sneak Attacking like the motherfucking Fist of the North Star

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:26 No.1381779

  You sure sneak attack isn't overpowered?

  I'm hitting so fast and I'm not even taking any hits

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:29 No.1381780

  >be a rogue
  >level up
  >Sneak Attack... Sneak Attack...
  >Sneak Attack, Sneak Attack, Sneak Attack
  >sneak attack sneak attack sneak attack sneak attack

  lol whoa

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:29 No.1381781

  Try a knight and get back to me on that one.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:30 No.1381782

  Acid coated glass dagger? That's badass.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:31 No.1381783

  Or a wizard. Dat quickspell

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:33 No.1381784

  Sarra the level 15 knight here. Can confirm I'm one-shotting >20k HP foes with power attack XV
  and 10k str. Rogue's gonna have to be pretty fast to compete.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:35 No.1381786

  So now every character is overpowered?

  Well, except bard. Charm foe is fucking useless.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:38 No.1381787

  what does it even do?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:42 No.1381788

  Nigga pls. Charm foe makes you able to kill pretty much anything. My level 3 bard is barely
  taking any damage anymore. It's just that defensive abilities < offensive abilities almost by

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:44 No.1381789

  LOL scoundrel's luck can get you v& now

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:46 No.1381790

  I think the new skills are too good to be honest. Pretty much any character can make it now.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:47 No.1381791

  Charm foe and Bone armor will be god tier for hardcore versions, calling it now.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)05:53 No.1381795

  full of win

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:01 No.1381799

  Sweet jesus do low level rogues ever outshine knights. Curious about later game though.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:04 No.1381800


  running a knight and a rouge at the same time here, the rouge had a fair head start but the
  knight is a level lower and taking on much harder enemies easier

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:06 No.1381802

  Rogues are pretty fucking insane in the early game but later on they just start lacking in damage

  Do post your results, my trial specimens are from like 2.0b and e respectively.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:07 No.1381803

  Oh, you...

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:08 No.1381804

  Does OP have a home webpage by chance?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:08 No.1381805

  pic related

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:11 No.1381806

  >>1381799 here,

  Current as of a minute ago.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:12 No.1381809

  Glad to see bards are still full of fail as always despite the new skill

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:13 No.1381810


  Get a Bard with Regen on it, they're goddamn tanks that -never- drop.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:14 No.1381811

  Can't really compare those because the rogue has learning while the knight has lol teleportation

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:19 No.1381814

  Yeah but there's also the whole killing enemies thing they've never been particularly good at.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:20 No.1381815

  looks like knight is catching up...?

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:23 No.1381816

  In this version, Necromancers have almost limitless mana due to trophies.

  In previous versions, nobody could cast fireball focus eventually because the cost would go up so

  So by my logic, fireball focus + necro = ????

  Rolling for one now.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:34 No.1381822


  Surpassed at level 8. Seems like that's the difficulty curve that the rogue can't just speed

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:34 No.1381823


  Knight surpassed at level 8 actually. Seems that's the point of the difficulty curve where
  handling overtakes speed.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:35 No.1381824

  Goddamn double posts.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:37 No.1381825

  Gee this Enchantedscalpel is pretty sweet :3

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:53 No.1381830

  So tell us if it changes again. Because if the rogue starts picking up power...

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:59 No.1381832

  La la la I am a high elf bard

  Try to touch me, no you can't because I've slowed you down so much you can't even move with my

  Too bad I only have 9 strength and only hit for like 23 damage even with my Vorpal lance.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)06:59 No.1381833

  Yeah, it's not uncommon for a slow starter to overtake a quick starter only to be overtaken back
  later on; see: poison vs forseeing focused necromancers

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)07:06 No.1381837

  Well, that's a step forward, at least; it used to be:

  >be beautiful as fuck and wield glorious +21 mystic platemail with a +18 flaming beam sword which
  you slept with the shopkeeper for
  >somebody assumes you can actually fight from this
  >be asked to retrieve their couch from the orcish caves
  >see orc
  >attack swinging your mighty sword in arcs of fire
  >WHAT IS THIS NOBODY TOLD ME ATTACKS COULD BE DODG- *smacked into your 20 hp health pool*
  >life as an elf bard

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)07:50 No.1381850

  >Mount: Promiscuousrobotic gray horse


>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)07:54 No.1381853

  Level 12 rogue still going strong, SNEAK ATTACKING LIKE THE WIND

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)07:58 No.1381854

  Level 10 necro here.

  God Bone Armor sucks. Shit does fucking nothing.

  The totems are so good they almost make up for it though. Currently happily spamming fireball
  XXXI 'cause I got >100 wis thanks to my Glittering Shrunken Head.

>> [_] OP !8nHncBHSeM 09/25/10(Sat)08:29 No.1381857

  Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm still considering what to add/tweak/balance for version 2.0
  final. After that I'll probably take a break from updating for a while.

  The alternative for Bone Armor I had in mind would have been Necromantic Magic which would have
  made you cast more damaging negative energy spells instead of the regular ones, with damage
  increase synergy with concentration. I was also considering making Bone Armor damage the enemy
  every time you get hit.

  I still haven't decided on the priest class skill either. Currently thinking "Aura" which would
  add +regen and +mpregen.

  Give me your ideas if you have them.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)08:36 No.1381858

  After seeing the actual stat modifiers of the Priest in the thread last night, I think you should
  really consider changing them up if you want it to be a viable class.

  Either boost its Dex like you have the rest of the classes besides Wizard and Necromancer or
  boost its Wis so it actually has the MP required to keep pace with the other two mages, because
  as it stands now they are not much better than Bards.

>> [_] OP !8nHncBHSeM 09/25/10(Sat)08:39 No.1381859

  Priests gain more wis than either of the other caster types as of 2.0b

>> [_] OP !8nHncBHSeM 09/25/10(Sat)08:43 No.1381863

  ...and yes, my goal is to make every class competitive without making them all the same. Would
  need synergistic skills.

  For example, Charm Foe originally hurt the enemy for 2*level + CHA damage, but that just made the
  bard a wizard clone with a different flavor of fireball. Pointless.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)08:45 No.1381864

  Oh, well then, ignore my concerns about the Priest being a viable class; all I've seen are the
  stats from 1.9

  Cowboys, though, I think deserve their own special ability rather than having to share the
  generic roguelike scoundrel's luck. Now, I don't really know what to give them, I just think it
  would be nice if they had their own.

  ...Quick Draw, maybe? An attack that can only be used in the first round of combat, is as fast
  (or faster) than a Sneak Attack, and has increased damage and hit rate?

>> [_] OP !8nHncBHSeM 09/25/10(Sat)08:58 No.1381868

  You may be on to something. His original ability was Trick Shot, which means greater hit rates,
  but that frankly sucks. So I'll probably remake it as an active ability with mp cost that
  incorporates several unusual things for damage.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)10:25 No.1381898

  Got to level 13, now I'm attacking at the speed of light. Can no longer even see the bar move
  except a few frames.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)11:42 No.1381913

  Make quest rewards more worthwhile, getting 100xp for a monster kill and getting 19xp for
  bringing the holy grail to town are ugh.

  Also cowboy's move: Wrangle, does low-mid low damage and stops a certain number of attacks

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)11:44 No.1381917

  Cowboy's special: Sarsaparilla - Passive HP gain at twice the speed of regen

>> [_] Anonymous 09/25/10(Sat)11:50 No.1381919

  Way to break the game man:

Created: 25/9 -2010 12:07:13 Last modified: 25/9 -2010 20:23:42 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:02:01