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[_] [?] BRING BACK SNACKS! Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)13:35 No.1357396
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)13:45 No.1357402
Damn this take me back to a time when Snacks was judiciously using his B&Hammer on just about
>> [_] Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)13:49 No.1357406
which was awesome, no?
>> [_] Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)13:59 No.1357412
yes I truly believe that a single W.T. Snacks can control all this faggoty where even captcha
>> [_] Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)16:40 No.1357517
Always gotta have respect for a classic.
>> [_] Anonymous 08/27/10(Fri)17:09 No.1357552
I've always wondered: If this was real life, what races would be the cat and the rabbit be?
I'm thinking the cats would be Whites and the rabbits Asians.