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This is resource HN6W94Q, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:9/9 -2010 02:52:15

Ended:9/9 -2010 08:08:08

Checked:14/9 -2010 11:41:36

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 17.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[fresco's venus project_LARRYKINGINTERVIEW.swf] - (7.97 MB)
[_] [?] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)19:46 No.1368056

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)20:13 No.1368076

  So who is the faggot that keeps posting this and the zeitgeist shit? Seriously. "What competition
  did Jesus have?" "What if each organ of the body competed?" Are you even listening to what this
  idiot is saying? And are you even aware of how preposterous such arguments are? Fucking cults.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)21:27 No.1368122

  postmodernism was the worst thing that happened to people since religion and spirituality. it
  means theres another reason idiots start listening to nutcases like they have all the answers,
  when in fact they don't have a day's worth of higher education to their name.

  zeitgeist, infowars, venus project its all the same made-up shit. worst part is that its almost
  self-sustaining, so theres a lot of these retards out there.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)21:42 No.1368137

  Yeah getting sick of all the zeitgeist stuff too ... but even I agree "the system" is all fucked
  up as hell and we can't go on like this.

>> [_] sage sage 09/08/10(Wed)21:43 No.1368138

  Get this commie bullshit off my 4chan.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)21:45 No.1368141

  Alright listen, it goes like this.
  Humans began existence, evolved, prospered, flourished, over populated.
  And like every other creature will eventually be extinct.
  It is completely inevitable and is just the natural order of things.
  Nothing lasts forever, get over it.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)21:49 No.1368146

  fuckin love this one

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)21:52 No.1368148

  Lol ridiculous. Without competition, there would be little technology. Also, that technology
  would be ridiculously expensive.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)21:56 No.1368151

  holistic transportation system lololololololol

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)21:57 No.1368152

  that is the stupidest thing i've ever heard. cockroaches and crocodiles flourish, in different
  numbers and they havent changed since dinosaur ages.

  you have absolutely no idea if humans are going to become extinct, and you have no evidence in
  the natural world that proves otherwise.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)22:48 No.1368199

  The bit about volcanic energy was pretty accurate, everything else was like listen to shit bubble
  from the bottom of the toilet bowl.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)23:17 No.1368223

  quote for truth

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)23:34 No.1368232

  Crocodiles ancestors
  The more and more humans develop land the less we are going to see crocodiles.
  They aren't extinct but they are highly endangered.

  Besides at the rate things are going global cooling will continue and our atmosphere will
  completely disappear.
  One day our planet will look like Mars. If not then didn't you hear on the news lately how two
  asteroid passed between the Earth and the Moon on Sunday? 14 meters and 20 meters. Those these
  two didn't pose a threat whos to say there aren't others? Apparently something even that size can
  have a horrific impact.

  We're fucked one way or another man, now shut the fuck up.

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)23:34 No.1368234


>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)23:45 No.1368242

  he mad :D

>> [_] Anonymous 09/08/10(Wed)23:49 No.1368246

  im well aware of crocodile ancestry. what is your point?

  and will you stop being so fucking pessimistic. almost everything you've said is speculative
  nonsense so shut the fuck up. we're doing ok, we just need to be a bit more responsible and
  invest in a whole lot more technology than we already do.
  just quit being a whiny little bitch

>> [_] Anonymous 09/09/10(Thu)01:01 No.1368286

  One day the Earth will be consumed by the sun, and our entire solar system will cease to exist as
  we know it. It's probable that the Universe will one day end. People who think the human race
  will never become extinct are naive. It may be tomorrow, or it may be trillions of years from
  now, but we will not last forever.
Created: 9/9 -2010 02:52:15 Last modified: 14/9 -2010 12:12:29 Server time: 04/01 -2025 22:54:30