File[ello_puppet.swf] - (7.87 MB)
[_] [L] Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)20:44 No.1382993
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)21:26 No.1383015
I always wondered what the point of this flash was
>> [_] Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)21:34 No.1383022
the implications
>> [_] Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)21:48 No.1383026
'ello li'l' darlin'
>> [_] Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)21:52 No.1383030
What movie is this from?
>> [_] Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)22:20 No.1383050
I second that. I've seen this thing so many times, yet I;m really still not sure where it's from
>> [_] Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)22:26 No.1383053
These guys get killed don't they? Poor workin' men...
>> [_] Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)22:40 No.1383067
Its from some Clint Eastwood movie. I 'think' The Outlaw Jose Wales (or something like that)
>> [_] Anonymous 09/26/10(Sun)22:41 No.1383068
So I just looked up the song sauce for this. The only part of the song worth hearing is the part
you hear in this flash. The rest is utter garbage.
>> [_] Special Agent Dale !CoOperRA66 09/27/10(Mon)00:47 No.1383128
my original interpretation (probably because of the song) was that these bandits find this
beautiful, frail woman in the back of this wagon, have an "oh wow" moment, and then leave her
alone because she is apart from this ugly world of riding and fighting and ambushes.
then I look up the film it's from and find out she gets the shit raped out of her, then murdered.
>> [_] RT 09/27/10(Mon)00:59 No.1383139
you sir, need to run hollywood