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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 34. Discovered flash files: 1 File[IdleQuest_ladderv15.swf] - (21 KB) [_] [G] Daily update Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)17:58 No.1374320 Ladderv. previous updates in short: rebalanced melee characters, bards, by adding moar weapons, switching some weapons, fixing mounts and increasing stat gains. Current update: Fixed a bug where high-level bards would get modifiers like "undefined" or "NaN" for instruments There are now 28 tiers of ranged weapons instead of the original 16, meaning ranged characters have a slight advantage over melee characters at higher levels. This balances mounts being better than missiles. Some have voiced concerns over rebalanced rogues getting very large amounts of dex; I personally feel that the amount is just right to make the rogue balanced with regard to dodge and to-hit. Backwards compatible with all characters; only new characters from v11 onwards receive level-up tied benefits. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:01 No.1374321 gj as always, thx anon but how do I play my older chars wit this? >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:06 No.1374325 >>1374321 Two main options. 1) copy your old save file over this flash's save file or 2) If running Idleq locally, save this file over the previous instance of the game. A third option is waiting until someone posts a ladder version on 4chan as "IdleQuest.swf". >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:06 No.1374327 Just a quick request: Could you go through and try and fix typoes and misspelled words? The ones that stick out in my mind are: Saffire (a loot item in high level zones), Accordian (Bard instrument) and Ultamite (modifier for mounts) but I'm sure I've seen more. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:14 No.1374332 >>1374327 I think I changed "ultamite" to "ultimate" already back when I was tinkering with mounts and high level characters sometimes getting "undefined" as a modifier.. I'll check the rest out next time I open the code. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:16 No.1374335 >>1374327 there's also "robitic" as a qualifier for high level creatures >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:17 No.1374336 >>1374332 Awesome, thanks. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:20 No.1374337 why would you bother updating this shit? >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:21 No.1374338 >>1374337 Because some people enjoy playing it, I would assume. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)18:23 No.1374340 >>1374337 Anon keeps /r/ing me things and it takes me like 10 minutes. It's not so much fun to me as I know exactly how the game works and what can happen in it, but I enjoy the discussions on 4chan. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)19:00 No.1374362 so yeah. to the anon making this, I hope you're aware that this game is nothing but a rip off of progrest Quest that's been around since like 2000? >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)19:05 No.1374368 >>1374362 >herp derp progress quest derp Reasons this game is different from Progress Quest: Races are different from one another in more ways than name Classes are different from one another in more ways than name and stats Stats actually mean things Spells actually do anything at all There is a quest given to you at the beginning that you can actually complete The story is linear and every character follows the same path The battles aren't just "wait until the bar fills up and you've won" You can actually lose battles The quests aren't just "wait until the bar fills up and you get another quest" You can actually lose quests Need I go on? (level 67 talking pony inner mason representin') >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)19:08 No.1374371 >>1374368 damn, anon got motherfucking TOLD >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)19:12 No.1374373 Not just the rogues, man: The archaeologists got nerfed the fuck out! They still get ammunition, but no bows or guns. Defeats the purpose. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)19:15 No.1374377 >>1374368 Because all of this means ANYTHING in a game where the whole point is "sit there and stare at the screen and never press a button" Protip: it doesnt. Regardless of what the screen tells you, its the exact. same. game. Every point you bring up boils down to you saying no more than "herp derp derp" in this games defense. Seriously, if you think any of these points mean anything to a game whose point is to do nothing, you're an utter retard, its just different words on the screen that require no interaction. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)19:20 No.1374381 >>1374377 Requiring no interaction is not the same as having no influence on the game, and that is what you seem to fail to understand. In Progress Quest you create a character by choosing absolutely meaningless race/class and you let the game run, and bars fill up, and numbers increase. In IdleQuest you create a character by choosing very meaningful race/class and let the game run, and depending on what your chosen race/class are you will either kick ass and take names and numbers will go up, or you will sit there and die over, and over, and over again and numbers will not go up. This adds depth and strategy where Progress Quest has only "bars fill up, numbers go up" >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)19:21 No.1374382 >>1374377 You can complete the game and how fast that happens depends on how well you build your character. This makes it a competitive game, unlike PQ which is neither a game nor competitive. If you're too retarded to consider the possibility of rerolling or branching characters, that's your problem. It's already known that /f/ likes running this in the background and posting their characters (whose attributes actually have relevance unlike a progress quest character's would). Now GTFO. >> [_] FlashFox !fKW02mC6ts 09/15/10(Wed)19:53 No.1374408 THIS MAY OR MAY NOT BREAK YOUR GOLD MINE IS NOW LIKE 1293123981234 OR SOMETHING BUT THAT'S THE POINT javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("Gold", 10000); ALL OF THE FOLLOWING STATS ADD A 0 ONTO THE END SO 100 IS REALLY 1000 javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("Str", 100); javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("Con", 100); javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("Dex", 100); javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("Cha", 100); javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("Str", 100); javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("Int", 100); javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("Wis", 100); >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)19:54 No.1374410 how save? >> [_] FlashFox !fKW02mC6ts 09/15/10(Wed)19:56 No.1374413 >>1374409 These only work DURING A BATTLE and don't actually affect anything else but that battle. Never lose a battle again! javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("Health", 10000); javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("Mana", 10000); You can change the number in any of these, btw. These break pretty much everything. Set it well over your level and your level just starts adding a 1 on the end and becomes ridiculous nonsense I reccomend you leave Level alone, and don't put too much in EXP. I just realized in making myself ridiculously overpowered that my quest is now 'kill 2010 skeletons' javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("Exp", 10000); javascript:document.embeds[0].SetVariable("Level", 100); That should be everything you need to break the hell out of this game I'd stick with just the stats and gold if you want it to progress normally >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)19:59 No.1374415 How do the Archeologist, Cowboy, and Ranger play? >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)21:23 No.1374482 >>1374415 Unfailingly. My Archaeologist is currently Level 7, in the Oasis, Con of 63, Int of 50, and Dex of 37 and a SHITLOAD of spells Learning, Regeneration, and Poison being the highest >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)21:48 No.1374505 Centrillion Dollar Bill +9999 Sword Spaceship ... and a Chocolate Bar?!? >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)21:50 No.1374507 YES! I AM SO GLAD THIS THREAD IS UP!! >I just made a spell guide to this game >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)21:51 No.1374508 >>1374507 ATTRIBUTES: [directly modifies stats] ____________________ Concentration = Int. Enlarge Muscles = Str. Hypnosis = Cha. Quicken = Dex. Resistance = Con. Forseeing = Wis. ATTACKS: [attacks] ____________________ Fireball = Strong magic attack. Poison = Medium damage (Damage Over Time). Ice Arrow = Weak magic attack (Debuffs enemy's attack rate). HEALS: [heals during battle] ____________________ Heal = Heals a small amount HP & MP (Heal Over Time). Regeneration = Heals a large amount of HP. TIME: [effects game speed] ____________________ Teleportation = Increases rate of traveling speed. Sixth Sense = Increases rate of attacks. Learning = Increases rate of spell learning. >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)21:53 No.1374512 i already waste enought time playing real games, this is crap >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)21:53 No.1374513 >>1374508 I have been playing for three days and this is what I've got: >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)21:57 No.1374515 >>1374513 High Elf Wizard >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)22:00 No.1374517 Missile: Heavy Wooden Rocks. ...lolwut? >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)22:02 No.1374518 Try to roll a high elf wizard with Learning & Sixth Sense >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)22:04 No.1374522 >>1374518 & Teleportation >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)22:30 No.1374544 Are Paladins still shit in this version? >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)23:28 No.1374577 bamp >> [_] Anonymous 09/15/10(Wed)23:37 No.1374581 >>1374544 Last paladin I ran (a few versions ago I admit) was pretty sweet. still not exactly "kicking ass and taking names" but he was in oasis at level 7, while in the vanilla version my paladin was level 10 in the dread hills. |