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Original location: Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 13. Discovered flash files: 1 File[ChooseFurry.swf] - (2.58 MB) [_] [L] Read The Text Get The Joke Choose Furry 11/25/10(Thu)04:04 No.1423909 This is the reality for all furfags everywhere no matter what they say. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] bump bump 11/25/10(Thu)04:19 No.1423917 bump >> [_] Markie "Mad Dog" McMarkymark 11/25/10(Thu)05:00 No.1423933 I wholeheartedly endorse this file. >> [_] Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)06:09 No.1423981 Sarah Palen hates this. LOL! >> [_] Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)06:41 No.1423998 obviously the sad truth is that this flash states the truth all too accurately. Could the OP have been a furfag at one time or could it be that they were lured in and shown what fufaggotry is really like and was completely disgusted and appalled by it? You decide. In the mean time let's work to end the cancer that's killing /f/ >> [_] Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)07:20 No.1424003 loled but >>1423998, that's one risky statement to make, what about yourself? Analyzing things leads to accusations these days. >> [_] Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)09:40 No.1424044 I think non-furry porn is the cancer since, there is a lot of that as well. And I think Miku is another form of cancer. Together, we can just completely strip /f/ of anything funny, sexy, or even meaningful. Together, we can butthurt. >> [_] Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)13:37 No.1424094 Yes! Thank god there are brave anons like you who fight the cancer by bumping it off the /f/ page with single image-recycled sound files that aren't really entertaining or original but by god they are ANTI-Furry! >> [_] Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)13:44 No.1424095 >>1424044 FUCK YOU ARSEHOLE MIKU IS NOT THE CANCE, BUT RATHER THE CHEMO!! AND TOUHOU IS THE INSULIN SHOTS!! >> [_] Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)14:24 No.1424104 1424044: Uh.. I think you either posted on the wrong page or you misunderstood. Either way this isn't about our most beloved and sacred Miku but about the cancer that's killing the Internet: furfaggotry. Just letting you know. :) Now: YIFF IN HELL FURFAGS!! >> [_] Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)15:21 No.1424126 >>1424104 Everyone who like regular pornography have sex with their relatives. They live in trailers, smaller than the homes of the furfags. They make no money because the spend it all on alcohol and condoms, things that furfags don't need. >> [_] Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)15:21 No.1424128 I've seen a lot of teenagers that are diaper furs wtf man >> [_] Anonymous 11/25/10(Thu)15:23 No.1424129 Ya! Fuck furry porn. Go CP! love little kids |