File[bleach midnightspecial.swf] - (3.49 MB)
[_] [H] Where is the new version? Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)16:22 No.1404621
I know someone was translating this. Where is the latest version?
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)16:31 No.1404625
On /rs/
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)16:38 No.1404628
Well, yes, but what is it called
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)16:38 No.1404629
I'd rather someone uncensor the more recent version...the one with Halibel and whatsherface in
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)16:41 No.1404632
Exactly what I'm looking for
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)16:43 No.1404633
new versions aren't single flashes
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)17:06 No.1404651
Does that mean that they can't be translated?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)17:12 No.1404657
Somebody must have a raster version with sound somewhere, right?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)18:18 No.1404709
most recent one i know of is called "mayuriver v5.5"
that has:
-original 5 characters
-3 more (unsure of names)
-internal view
-original costumes (up to the bunny suit)
-3 more costumes to go with the 3 new characters
-1 more hair style for each character
...thats all i can think of right now
hope that helps
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)18:21 No.1404711
how do you take off individual pieces of clothing?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)18:23 No.1404712
1. Orihime
2. Soifon
3. Yoruichi
4. Rangiku
5. Kukaku Shiba
6. Tia Harribel
7. Ichigo's Mom
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)18:24 No.1404715
anyone know if there's a translation?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)18:25 No.1404716
you forgot nemu
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)18:27 No.1404718
You can try the AGTH Hooker thing or whatever it's called
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)18:42 No.1404732
what's this called?? Can't find by .swf name or other one listed above
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)18:44 No.1404735
mayuri experiment room or something like that
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)18:54 No.1404746
Try googling for mayuri 5.5
Should give rapidshare links.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)18:54 No.1404748
Broken as fuck. Ignores both internet browsers and the default Adobe Flash Player.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)20:05 No.1404793
I'm sick of seeing this fucking game on /f/
It fucking sucks anyway.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/28/10(Thu)20:16 No.1404796
dude i gave up on translating this over a year ago. seriously, it's just too much of a hassle to
go over every single permutation of reactions from their oh god i'm being raped mode to their
fuck yes i'm getting raped mode