File[Nudge.swf] - (706 KB)
[_] [G] Tone matrix 2.0 (broken?) Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)02:17 No.1385614
I saved the improved tone matrix when I last saw it posted, but now I can't get it to work, and
swfchan is down so i can't redownload. Testing to see if the file works
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)02:21 No.1385622
It works!
>> [_] Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)02:39 No.1385627
For some reason when saving this flash it doesn't
work when you play it back .... at least in my
experience. Flash player didn't work, and neither did
opening it any web browser. Weird.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)14:37 No.1385885
it works fine on my end when i save it, make sure you have the latest version of flash player
installed i know there was a update a few days ago
>> [_] Anonymous 09/30/10(Thu)14:46 No.1385890
wow this is good