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This is resource SB8TQXQ, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:19/11 -2010 23:04:58

Ended:20/11 -2010 02:38:33

Checked:29/12 -2010 16:40:05

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 9.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[pensivebiped.swf] - (2.27 MB)
[_] [?] Anonymous 11/19/10(Fri)16:59 No.1420373

  help the environment, learn more about fossil fuels at your local library

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/10(Fri)17:03 No.1420375

  Wow, this is a first. Envirofags? LOL!! OMG I hope this doesn't turn into another Venus Project
  troll spam! ACK!! Maybe I shouldn't have mentioned that. You know someone's gonna post it now!

>> [_] !gARYoAkkEw 11/19/10(Fri)17:09 No.1420381

  My car runs on the power of Satan and a driving thirst for the blood of the innocent. Fossil
  fuels are for pussies.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/10(Fri)17:33 No.1420386

  this is bad and you should feel bad

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/10(Fri)18:46 No.1420457

  Just reminding everyone that there are some major violations of the laws of thermodynamics
  standing in the way of humanity ever using renewable energy of any kind on a large scale.

  Fossil fuels are the chemical product of millions of years of accumulated solar and geothermal
  energy and there simply isn't any way to replace them in the foreseeable future.

  Anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you something.

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/10(Fri)19:03 No.1420470

  Yeah the last guy that told me that did try to sell me a solar powered lawn. LOL!

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/10(Fri)19:11 No.1420484

  We've already gone past "peak oil". That doesn't mean we're running out. It just means we've run
  through half of what there is to get. There should be enough for at least another fifty years or

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/10(Fri)19:51 No.1420507

  Too bad most of that oil is in other countries who hate us

>> [_] Anonymous 11/19/10(Fri)20:21 No.1420542

  Fuck the environment

  use up all the resources and die happy
Created: 19/11 -2010 23:04:58 Last modified: 29/12 -2010 16:49:17 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:29:59