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This is resource UTIQRMF, a Archived Thread.
Original location: http://boards.4chan.org/f/res/1356301 Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 6. Discovered flash files: 1
File[[Touhou] There's No Sake in This Canyon.swf] - (2.63 MB) [_] [A] There's only one canyon in my heart Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:08 No.1356301 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:13 No.1356303 I've aked this b4 and I'll continue to ask it till I ge an answer. /r/ Sauce on Anime?? >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:23 No.1356313 it is not an anime per se It's called Touhou anime project, it was made by fans and only had one episode http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zv1akVAIu1U >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)12:36 No.1356318 >>1356313 The script sucks so god damn much IT'S UNBEARABLE >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)15:01 No.1356402 >>1356318 Don't be such a faggot. >> [_] Anonymous 08/26/10(Thu)16:25 No.1356468 all three parts can be found with little difficulty on youtube with subtitles |