File[404.swf] - (166 KB)
[_] [L] Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)01:18 No.1383152
Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)01:28 No.1383160
Sage for raping the audio quality of a great flash.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)01:29 No.1383162
fuck you for reposting this piece of shit
>> [_] â® 09/27/10(Mon)01:30 No.1383163
im not the one that made it faggot lol, swfchan did and I just removed their search bar and
changed it to "try going back to the homepage"
>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)01:32 No.1383165
Compare the quality of this flash to the flash linked >>1383162 there and tell me you didn't fuck
the audio up. I dare you.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)01:40 No.1383173
I didn't edit the audio, it might of been swf decompiler.
Its not like i made it from scratch.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)01:47 No.1383178
>I didn't edit the audio, it might of been swf decompiler.
>it might of been swf decompiler.
>might of been
>might of
double fuck you now, nigger.
>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)02:36 No.1383205
>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)04:31 No.1383299
pendulum - the other side
now you can all stop bitching about audio quality and get a torrent
>> [_] Anonymous 09/27/10(Mon)04:36 No.1383303
yeah like that'll work