File[human sacrifice alice.swf] - (4.97 MB)
[_] [J] Original with lyrics Anonymous 10/22/10(Fri)21:07 No.1401138
>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/10(Sat)00:28 No.1401216
:D I love you for posting. one of my absolute favorite vocaloid videos.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/10(Sat)03:39 No.1401272
holy fuck that was the coolest fucking shit ever
>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/10(Sat)03:48 No.1401277
but i must ask, What do they mean by becoming an alice?
Is it the perfect girl?
>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/10(Sat)03:50 No.1401278
wow that was amazing
>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/10(Sat)03:55 No.1401282
I think something along the lines of the dreamer.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/10(Sat)04:46 No.1401299
A woman of Spade, a man of Diamond, a child of Clover, and the twins of Heart. The Alices in the
Dream Realm of Wonderland.
You'd think they were ripping off the fairytale, but no, it's very impressive story with it's own
unique twist.
I'm in love.
>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/10(Sat)04:49 No.1401303
Stop posting this shit
>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/10(Sat)04:49 No.1401304
By the story from lewis carrol
alice in this instance could relate to the exploring individual in "wonderland". Much like you
would say "this ape".
>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/10(Sat)10:52 No.1401396
>> [_] Anonymous 10/23/10(Sat)10:54 No.1401398
My Favorite
Rin & Lin
Duet ever!