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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource DX746ZE, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:14/12 -2010 17:19:36
14.2 years ago.

Ended:14/12 -2010 23:46:54
14.2 years ago.

Checked:29/12 -2010 00:42:13
14.2 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 16.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[The Company of Myself.swf] - (3.21 MB)
[_] [G] awesome game, very cerebral Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)11:07 No.1434598

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)11:33 No.1434608

  stuck on first force field level.
  wat do.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)11:46 No.1434623


>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)11:47 No.1434625

  If by "cerebral" you mean it has a story, then I guess it's moderately cerebral.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)12:13 No.1434638

  nice idea with these shadows

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)12:22 No.1434641

  cerebrum is in the brain or shit. and it is actually game for thinking

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)12:29 No.1434645

  needs a fucking reset button

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)12:34 No.1434646


  "r" is too hard for you to find lol

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)13:04 No.1434666

  I need help wit hthe

  "What? Dont leave yet, i have more to say."

  "I really do"


>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)13:14 No.1434675

  Just keep holding right and jump when you get to the pit. Respawn infinitely and you'll make it
  to the end.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)13:40 No.1434686

  Yeah, it's a puzzle game.
  It doesn't take all that much cerebration to solve, though.

  (Cerebral means "brainy", quite literally. Intelligent, intellectual.)

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)13:46 No.1434688

  the end kinda ruined my day... ty op -.-

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)13:58 No.1434694

  The text scrolls too damn slow at the beginning and end.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)14:11 No.1434697

  "I don't even have a person to tell my story to anymore."


>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)15:21 No.1434717

  Very touching game...
  Now I'm sad.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/14/10(Tue)17:34 No.1434759

  easy, but nonetheless depressing game
  that everyone's future, who visits this board

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Created: 14/12 -2010 17:19:36 Last modified: 29/12 -2010 00:54:52 Server time: 14/03 -2025 18:57:36