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This is resource N0T8ZBG, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:10/3 -2011 02:07:32

Ended:10/3 -2011 09:23:25

Checked:19/3 -2011 08:21:01

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 57.
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File[Think_and_Drive.swf] - (5.89 MB)
[_] [?] I'm just gunna leave this here. ◆RemBOtk21I !RemBOtk21I 03/09/11(Wed)20:06 No.1479937

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)20:10 No.1479938

  ...fuck, man...

  Just... fuck...

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)20:11 No.1479941


  they died lol

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)20:52 No.1479963


>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)20:55 No.1479969

  The last three are fucking hilarious, what the fuck.

>> [_] Turtletron !/o/tAKuFRA 03/09/11(Wed)20:59 No.1479971

  Oh Australia

  You're so shitty

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)21:02 No.1479973

  the kids mom got killed what a twist!

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)21:04 No.1479975

  >implying car accidents don't happen everywhere.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)21:12 No.1479980

  >implying implications

>> [_] I\O Port !gUvcCI5O0I 03/09/11(Wed)21:18 No.1479990


>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)21:31 No.1480001

  This is the funniest thing I have seen all day!! Pac-man should have came out and tried to eat
  those ghosts. ROFLMAO!!! ; )

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)21:32 No.1480002

  I can't tell if this is a parody or they're trying to be serious.

>> [_] Anon 03/09/11(Wed)21:37 No.1480007

  note to self: Seat belts can hold in SOULS!!!!

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)22:04 No.1480027

  Oh lawd. They used a defibrillator on a tiny kid. I think that would fuck him up more than save

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)22:27 No.1480044

  was that Horatio?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)22:52 No.1480049

  hahahaha that was horrible. Thanks OP

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)22:54 No.1480050

  >people laughing

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)22:55 No.1480051

  paste link for youtube video?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)23:30 No.1480069

  this is disturbing. Not the right way to send a message across

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)23:35 No.1480073

  that's sad ;_;

>> [_] ◆RemBOtk21I !RemBOtk21I 03/09/11(Wed)23:37 No.1480076

  Mission accomplished.

  Really? I think disturbing is a perfect method. Not only do you get your message across but
  people remember it.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)23:39 No.1480078

  Goddamn, it's like watching a Final Destination movie.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)23:45 No.1480081

  only this shit actually happens :(

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)23:53 No.1480084

  Yes, all the time. Every 15 seconds in America alone.

  Hence why this shit doesn't bother me.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)23:55 No.1480085

  It's nice knowing you won't become an emotional wreck when someone you know dies.
  People die all the time every damn day. There is no, "Well that could never happen to me!".

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)23:56 No.1480086

  aww shit sounds like youtube audioswapped em

>> [_] Anonymous 03/09/11(Wed)23:59 No.1480088


>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)00:00 No.1480089

  Oh Australia and your scare tactics

>> [_] Ren 03/10/11(Thu)00:01 No.1480091

  Try living a little longer then 15, and then, if you are not a complete idiot and keep an eye on
  the news and other events in the world, that should be about the time that you learn that life is
  real fucking cheap.

  Because everybody likes proclaiming how life is sacred and precious, but around the world people
  are getting killed every second in the most horrific ways. And if you include animal or even
  plant life then that preciousness goes down even quicker.

  If life was really worth something, the world wouldn't be what it is today, so while car crashes
  can be individual tragedies, I personally won't give a flying fuck. Can't even, because I'd be
  out of fucks way before that on even bigger tragedies then car crashes.

  Life is cheap, and shit happens. Car crashes are on of the least tragic things to happen on this
  shitty speck of dirt zooming around in space.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)00:02 No.1480092


  >Look at me, I'm apathetic!

  People like you piss me the fuck off.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)00:04 No.1480093

  The tragic of the tragic is humans' capacity to kill others in horrifying ways.
  You've seen it, only some feel it.
  I do.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)00:07 No.1480095


  >Look at me, I'm naive!

  People like you piss me the fuck off.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)00:23 No.1480103

  quit your bitching. we dont care.

  back on topic: i can relate to the last few cause i almost ot hit by a speeding TLC driver. those
  are the cabs in ny. it was raining very little and this fuck was like a couple of inches from
  hitting me. i was on my way to the bus to go to college xD i fucking laughed at peoples
  reactions. they looked at me as if i was a ghost or something LMFAO

  oh and i need to carry a seat belt in demons souls. thats apparently the only way to prevent your
  soul from leaving you, according to this ad lol

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)00:25 No.1480105

  Bitching? I wasn't being sarcastic.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)00:27 No.1480106

  I would hit that

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)00:27 No.1480107

  i like how that kid's just like "yeah, whatever"

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)00:29 No.1480108

  can someone plz change music to yakaty sax?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)00:42 No.1480112

  Man that kind of killed my boner...

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)00:44 No.1480113

  why are people concerned with dying? i got a different message. I would hate LIVING knowing i
  personally took the life by my dumb fault.
  if im dead oh well. dead man dont complain. living with that guilt is what i would be concerned

  in the end though i find it weird. i baw at animal cruelty, but normally don't care when seeing
  people die. (unless tortured)
  but for some reason this video had me feeling funny for a bit.

>> [_] ◆RemBOtk21I !RemBOtk21I 03/10/11(Thu)00:47 No.1480116


>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)00:51 No.1480119

  Because this is something you can actually imagine taking place in your life. Other things can
  just be incomprehensible till they happen to you in person.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)01:09 No.1480128

  Daily dose of numbness?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)01:29 No.1480149


  Car accidents actually more common than any other type of 'brutal death'. And the 'sacredness' of
  life depends on where you're from, if you're talking a subjective perspective--if you're
  someplace where every woman is a broodsow who shits out a dozen shitheads, you will be
  subjectively less important to the continuation of your line and/or the species than one who is
  from a region where people only have 1-2 kids. The number of people killed before they reach
  middle age is much, much, much smaller than it has been in the past, making life more precious
  from a statistical standpoint, too.

  Also, shock ads have always been shit. There's an old saying: Pictures of a clean bowl sell more
  toilet cleaner than pictures of a shitty bowl. Embrace Life (
  m/watch?v=h-8PBx7isoM ) might be heavily cheesy, but it will always outsell blood and gore.

  That said, the needle-dick speeding is a great angle.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)01:33 No.1480154

  Am I the only person who finds these ads hilarious? They're usually so fucking ridiculous and
  over the top that they just become funny.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)01:38 No.1480156

  Our entire civilization revolves around conflict, struggle, and death. The human race has an
  insatiable appetite for killing. On the plains of Africa, humanity forget its own future not by
  simply killing to survive, but killing to thrive. We slaughtered our way to the top of the food
  chain, climbing there on the corpses of what were once our most fierce predators, enslaving and
  taming that which did not resist mankind's will. Through millenia, humanity massacred everything
  it came across, aided by the single most potent weapon nature has or ever will design - the human

>> [_] Ren 03/10/11(Thu)01:47 No.1480159


  You make a good argument. However I do have problems with the locality of the value of life as
  you propose it is. I see it as humanity's problem as a whole.

  To put it into a context: In Libya Khadaffi is bombing people who disagree with him. The whole
  world is saying how terrible that is but in the UN Security Council both Russia and China are
  veto-ing the no-fly zone.

  If the world _really_ cared about life, then they wouldn't veto a resolution that aims to save

  In that context I see people dying in a car crash as a personal tragedy, but the world as a whole
  is too far fucked up to make that a priority.

  Just my opinion though.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)01:47 No.1480160

  Best thing ever

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)01:54 No.1480163

  somewhere during that video, shit got real

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)02:02 No.1480165

  Fuck, I was just in an accident like 2 weeks ago

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)02:04 No.1480168

  I was speaking less towards the philosophical and more towards the trauma. You undergo a
  transformation psychologically. Leaving your subconscious "faith-in-humanity" meter at zero. It
  takes "Shit happens" to a whole new realm.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)02:23 No.1480176

  You're moronic, displaying falsehood upon your subjective endeavours.

  If you want to be realistic know that a life is measured only appropriately by lives.

  One saved for one dead is profit maximized. This is the only logical way to think about things if
  you're going to be truly apathetic. If you want to romance this ideal any further then don't
  bother pretending you're not "naive" yourself.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)02:26 No.1480180

  The word you were looking for was "romanticize"

  Grammar nazi, out.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)02:29 No.1480184

  I found it funny that in an anti-speeding campaign ad that 2/3 of the accidents would have SPEED
  NOT A FACTOR in big bold letters across the accident report. Really poor "I can't drive for shit"
  reactions causing the accident in the few that were, and a lot of the ones that weren't.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)02:30 No.1480185


>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)02:44 No.1480192


>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)02:50 No.1480195

  Yeah I fapped and came good shit thanks op

>> [_] Anonymous 03/10/11(Thu)02:53 No.1480196

  To all the fags talking about the sanctity of life, and how "it wouldn't be funny if it happened
  to you". You're right, but remember, tragedy is when I cut my finger, comedy is when you fall
  into an open sewer and die.
Created: 10/3 -2011 02:07:32 Last modified: 19/3 -2011 08:22:17 Server time: 05/01 -2025 06:09:38