File[Nicholas_Cage_Wants_Cake.swf] - (2.37 MB)
[_] [?] >>1442925 superior quality Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)05:00 No.1442932
stop uploading flashes to youtube and then converting them back to flash.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)06:58 No.1442967
o ok
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)11:10 No.1443037
I love this guy's actual talent, or perhaps dedication. Almost all of his flashes tend to be
amazingly great animation.
That Saturday Morning Watchmen parody was superb.
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)11:28 No.1443042
i demand a rule 34 on the girl eating the caek
>> [_] Anonymous 12/30/10(Thu)11:45 No.1443046
Nicholas Cage.