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This is resource NYYGY2V, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:29/3 -2011 21:53:19

Ended:30/3 -2011 10:39:41

Checked:2/4 -2011 00:11:00

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Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 33.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[flan.swf] - (951 KB)
[_] [H] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)14:37 No.1489113

  1. Play
  2. 3rd option
  3. Click Flan, none of the option, painting
  4. Click the panties on the bed to start the FF style battle.
  5. Click the corner of the panties at the bottom of the screen to heal for 9999, then wait for
  Flan to drop your HP below 10k and click the new option that appears.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)14:40 No.1489114

  6. Wait. Once you can, click her bra 5 times quickly until she starts to look pissed about it.

  7. Screen goes black, with a silhouette bouncing around click it, then pick the first option of
  the two presented.

  8. Angel bear flies in, steals her bra, she knifes it. Watch the bra; the corner's still sticking
  into the screen. Click it. Text box opens. Don't pick any of the options. Instead, look on the
  top of her hat for something moving and click it.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)14:41 No.1489115

  9. Click her left nipple (the right one is a trap).
  10. Click her underwear and the panties should fly off the bed onto her hat. This triggers a
  bullet hell game. The first part's easy. Shoot her until she's at half health. Short cut scene,
  bear becomes Dr. Wily and gives you a laser and 300 HP, second part starts. Chances are you will
  die immediately. On the game over screen, a black box should appear right over your HP. Clicking
  that works as an unlimited continue button, plus increases your starting HP by 100 every time
  (note that it's only unlimited if you did the stuff earlier with the bra and the thing on her
  hat). Repeat as many times as you need to until you win. Chances are it will take many, many

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)14:42 No.1489116

  11. When you finally beat her, it goes back to the initial scene with her looking fried and beat
  up. Click the thing that crawls through the picture frame immediately or you get a game over for
  your troubles.
  12. Hooray, you get a sorta badly animated H-scene. Click the picture frame in the top-left for
  options, but note that some of them (3P, if I'm remembering correctly) are traps. Choose the
  bottom option to finish.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)14:43 No.1489117

  13. Click the picture frame in the scene after that to blow the screen up, which is as close to a
  good end as there is.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)14:46 No.1489120

  During the fight I can't see her panties.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)14:52 No.1489123

  Corner of the panties?

  I don't see em.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)15:28 No.1489137

  I don't understand the FF Battle, I can heal for 9999, but only in my turn and she attacks for
  21000 and gets several more turns than me. How am I supposed to even attack her?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)15:52 No.1489143


  This may not be your issue, but it looks to me like the bar that fills to indicate your turn
  suffers from processing slowdown, and her knife stab does not. Shrinking the window fixed it for
  me. You should have enough time to get in two turns (the panty heal and then your limit break
  option) before she kills you. If you don't, somethin ain't workin right.

>> [_] Anonasaur 03/29/11(Tue)15:56 No.1489144

  dont attack untill the fifth option appears, just heal

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)16:00 No.1489145

  i see no panties for the battle

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)16:03 No.1489147

  >7. Screen goes black, with a silhouette bouncing around click it, then pick the first option of
  the two presented.

  not seeing it

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)16:12 No.1489151

  you mean HER left nipple or the one on the left?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)16:21 No.1489154

  >. Wait. Once you can, click her bra 5 times quickly until she starts to look pissed about it.
  define once you can

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)16:29 No.1489156

  HER left nipple

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)16:39 No.1489159

  too much work for a flash. turrible.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)16:46 No.1489162

  where is this flan? after i click the 3rd option she just starts going up and down infinitely
  with nothing appearing to click on except her panties. and if i click on her shirt i get a
  dialogue option that just ends the game. wat do?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)16:46 No.1489163

  the bullet hell is bullshit

  cant even shoot half the time

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)16:56 No.1489166


  Hold mouse instead of clicking.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)16:59 No.1489167

  I think this game is designed to convince you to try to fuck real girls, as I think they must be
  a lot easier than this shit.

>> [_] noko Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)17:16 No.1489174


>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)17:30 No.1489180

  Gotta love my 4-12 kbps download speed Just awesome.. Fucking community internet bullshit not
  letting other providers come in and being a teenfag with eyesight so bad I can't drive so work is
  all but impossible to find. FUCKMYLIFE brb commiting suicide.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)19:53 No.1489237

  God this is driving me insane

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)20:25 No.1489251

  I got sick of that bullet hell bullshit, so I loaded the swf into a standalone player and used
  cheatengine. The guide's missing a step btw - after you beat her at bullet hell and fix her up by
  clicking the picture frame thing you have to select the bottom option.

  Honestly, the game's not worth it after you get her bra off - the H-scene is awful.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)21:31 No.1489272

  well I've finished it without cheating, goddamn that was a bitch

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)21:55 No.1489284

  Lol finished the bullet hell, I did it three times using I dunno how many continues.. And
  screwing up near the end, then did it a 4th time, without having to continue xD!

>> [_] Anonymous 03/29/11(Tue)23:39 No.1489347

  this shit is way the fuck too weird.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)01:30 No.1489381

  Thanks. Now to beat her for a third time to find out why it's so bad.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)01:34 No.1489382

  how do you heal in the FF battle?

>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)01:35 No.1489383

  Overcomplicated retarded game is overcomplicated.

  cannot fap. no point

>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)02:00 No.1489391

  the instructions are complete.

  I was able to get to the bullet hell seen with infinite continues no problem.

  but i couldnt beat that shit while keeping a hard on.

  Moving onto /s/.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)02:07 No.1489392

  Well Ive seen worse, but at a much much lesser of a cost.

  They play just the tip. Some of the options are dead end, I didnt see all of em. The climax is
  okay if youre into flan and all that stuff, but still, just the tip.

>> [_] Anonymous 03/30/11(Wed)02:59 No.1489403

  can someone just upload a hacked version?
Created: 29/3 -2011 21:53:19 Last modified: 2/4 -2011 00:11:03 Server time: 03/01 -2025 04:34:37