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[_] [H] everything is perfect now Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)01:54 No.1444760
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)02:01 No.1444765
what the fuck am i watching?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)02:36 No.1444781
I imagine there's an awesome gangrape scene at some point, right?
... Right?
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)03:06 No.1444795
....I'm pretty sure that's Uma Thurman, so that would be unlikely.
Altho I could easily see Tarantino doing a movie like that, followed by her quest to brutally
slay each of the men involved. But the critics would pan it as a remake of 'Kill Bill', so it's
not going to happen.
>> [_] PokemonTrainer !!OQpEmHMy1Dx 01/03/11(Mon)03:39 No.1444809
It isn't Uma, because the girl in this Flash is hot.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)03:49 No.1444818
Wow, noobs, this is from The Outlaw Josey Wales a Clint Eastwood Western.
And no they don't rape her, they get stopped by their boss.
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)04:01 No.1444822
I lol'd
>> [_] Anonymous 01/03/11(Mon)06:41 No.1444868
lol so many rape faces.