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This is resource RVOIPN4, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:9/12 -2010 04:41:19
14.2 years ago.

Ended:9/12 -2010 21:08:06
14.2 years ago.

Checked:29/12 -2010 03:50:32
14.2 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 14.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[pearls.swf] - (150 KB)
[_] [G] So you want to play a game, huh? Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)22:32 No.1431833

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:15 No.1431851

  a variant of the game nimh, only in this the rules are wrong, the number of stones is wrong and
  since you always go first you are at a major disadvantage

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:22 No.1431856

  Since you always go first, you can't win.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:23 No.1431860

  The only winning move is not to play.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:26 No.1431865

  oh you can win, the trick in this game is to always make sure you round your opponent's choice up
  to an even number, if they take one so do you, if they take two, so do you and so on, however
  since you go first you have to try to plan your penultimate move to make sure the opponent can
  only round up to an odd number, it's not easy though.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:30 No.1431870

  There's a pattern preset into the game that forces the computer to make a bad move. The maker
  hardcoded it in for some reason, but otherwise it is unwinnable(and the pattern should be
  unwinnable too... but it makes a mistake on purpose)

>> [_] Anonymous 12/08/10(Wed)23:35 No.1431873

  1.)take 2 from the top row
  2.)guy takes 1 from middle row
  3.)take 3 from bottom row
  4.)guy takes 1 from the middle row again
  5.)take the last pearl from the top row
  6.)guy takes one pearl again
  7.)clear out the row he didn't take a pearl from in step 6

>> [_] Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:04 No.1431948

  That only works if you're playing the correct way. This one if different

>> [_] Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)02:56 No.1431967

  It does not make the mistake on purpose. If the person going first makes the correct move and
  knows what they're doing there's absolutely nothing the person who goes second can do to win.
  However, there's only one move the first player can do otherwise the second player will win no
  matter what. Excluding not knowing what to do in this game.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)03:08 No.1431974

  You people are such morons it's not even funny. First of all, you get to decide who goes first.
  This should already tell you you can win.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)03:27 No.1431982

  You must be playing the other ones, this one always makes player go 1st, only one solution to
  this and il give a hint, you start with... oh wait, someone already posted it all...
  You do realize that no one will do this for themselves now right?

>> [_] Red 12/09/10(Thu)13:23 No.1432102

  This works.

>> [_] Anonymous 12/09/10(Thu)13:30 No.1432103


>> [_] K !Cirnov8N9. 12/09/10(Thu)15:07 No.1432132

  Also I love the RAGEQUIT

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Created: 9/12 -2010 04:41:19 Last modified: 29/12 -2010 04:00:55 Server time: 20/03 -2025 07:44:55