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<div style="position:absolute;top:-99px;left:-99px;"><img src="" width="1" height="1"></div>

This is resource TH6V0NI, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:27/2 -2011 23:57:09

Ended:28/2 -2011 12:30:30

Checked:3/3 -2011 15:30:50

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 88.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[sakura_mini.swf] - (2.41 MB)
[_] [H] Sakura mini Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:52 No.1474629

  For you, my buds.

  Happy Fappin'.

Marked for deletion (old).

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:53 No.1474630


>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:54 No.1474631

  i love you

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:54 No.1474632

  Anon delivers.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:55 No.1474635

  Thanks Anon!

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:56 No.1474636


>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:57 No.1474637


>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:57 No.1474638

  beautiful flash. an nother success from zone

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)17:58 No.1474639

  Thanks, bro!!

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:05 No.1474642


>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:09 No.1474644

  successfull deliver is successfull

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:10 No.1474645

  Anyone who watches the show want to explain the context of this one for me?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:11 No.1474646

  She's getting fuck by Naruto in his Nine Tails form.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:13 No.1474648

  So, what, that's like... analogous to being a Super Saiyan, I'm guessing?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:15 No.1474650

  wow Sakura look like Sakura impressive ,Zone should make a full flash of naruto.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:16 No.1474653

  mee this one not the best

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:19 No.1474654

  Naruto has some collosal evil spirit trapped in him. He's kind of like a living jailcell for a
  nasty-ass demon. Here, you see him possessed by it, and getting some ass.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:20 No.1474655

  Somewhat, the only difference as far as I know is that Naruto has no control over this form
  (Berserk Mode, lol) is more taxing (It destroys his body) and I think touching him in this form
  results in being poisoned.

>> [_] basguio 02/27/11(Sun)18:20 No.1474656

  thaaanks sm maaann

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:23 No.1474657

  Cool. Thanks, guys.

  And thanks, OP.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:26 No.1474660

  Nah, it just burns your hand off.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:27 No.1474661

  Best part about this : The ability to make Sakura play with herself.
  Worst part : The assfucking sounds like beef being put through a grinder. Hentai, lol.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:28 No.1474663

  Nice, and about fucking time Zone released something new

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:33 No.1474666

  She doesn't orgasm, even playing with herself. :(

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:35 No.1474669

  actually she can i used media player classic and jumped on the flames saw her and naruto orgasm.

  i am trying to do it normally.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:37 No.1474670

  Click around the ass area, you idiots.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)18:47 No.1474673

  Naruto does, it doesn't seem like Sakura does.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:00 No.1474677

  i kinda think it IS the best though

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:05 No.1474680

  why the fuck is this ONLY anal penetration? meh, one more zone flash not saved

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:13 No.1474684

  It's progressive. He can tap into its power and gain strength, and can get increasingly more from
  it (represented by more tails; I.E. one tail sprouts, then two, etc.) but I think four tails and
  up and he loses control.

  Ugh, why I do I remember this. Fucking show.

  Because Zone already took forever to animate this and anal is hotter anyway.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:18 No.1474690

  anal isn't hotter though.

  anyone think Zone might update it with vaginal?
  anal is meh

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:20 No.1474691

  If that whole Rock Candy situation hadn't have happened, you wouldn't be saying that.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:21 No.1474693

  sorry I'm at a bit of a loss as to what you're saying

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:21 No.1474694

  Her eyes roll up and she squirts

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:26 No.1474700

  This. C'mon Zone give us some vag action too

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:36 No.1474705

  actually is by clicking naruto penis

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:36 No.1474706

  anal rape is awesome

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:38 No.1474708

  9001 internets to you, sir.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:41 No.1474710


>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:43 No.1474711

  Vaginal is boring. That's why this flash has anal.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:46 No.1474715

  I'm talking about the argument that happened on /f/ a while ago about Rock Candy's flashes only
  having anal as an option because he "hates" vaginal and thus canceled one of his highly
  anticipated works, though he says he canceled it because he improved on his artistic abilities
  and found Zu Triple to be too ugly to release to the public.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:48 No.1474716

  I kinda wish you could see her tits.
  also vaginal. But then it wouldnt be a mini. Oh well. fapfapfap

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:49 No.1474717

  Rock Candy adamantly refuses to do vaginal because vaginal is in everything already and he likes
  anal. This causes people to whine about "u gay bro" and "cater to the rest of us", and lulz

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)19:59 No.1474721

  Anyone else disturbed by the fact that even though he's screwing her in the ass, her stomach's
  popping out?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:03 No.1474723

  no harm in giving both, right?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:04 No.1474724

  No, because that's where her colon would be. It happens in real life if the item penetrating is
  large enough.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:07 No.1474725

  I don't really think there is, but it's his preference. He's a good flash artist, and I'm not one
  to complain.

  I do wish he'd left an option to turn this off. I'm okay with it but I'd like the flash better if
  it wasn't there all the time.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:37 No.1474740

  That was rather disappointing.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:49 No.1474746

  man, i was looking forward to this for like 4 months and this is not the best at all...

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:50 No.1474747

  4 Times The Steak

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:52 No.1474749

  Next...wakfu? My body will not stand one more prolong...

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:53 No.1474750

  Nonsense, your body is ready!

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:58 No.1474756

  Zone if you are reading this,
  How about you pick something, let's say, obscure to animate?
  I.E an old cartoon/game.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)20:59 No.1474759

  I vote April O'Neal!!!!!!!

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:00 No.1474760

  hey you pikachu

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:00 No.1474761

  Picking something obscure isn't a good idea, from a market standpoint. Zone makes money by people
  subscribing, and they're more likely to if (s)he makes works of popular characters.

  Hence even Zone stooped to making a Miku flash.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:08 No.1474764

  I have lots of really obscure kinks but anal and feet are total turn-offs for me.

  It's a hard life.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:20 No.1474772

  should of had a few more options but not to shabby

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:32 No.1474776

  any way to make him stop screaming every godamn time?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:35 No.1474777

  Click the mute button in your computer's volume control settings.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:39 No.1474778

  Ok, that takes care of the sound, but I lose my hard on a bit when I see his face right before he

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:47 No.1474784

  Seconded, she's hot

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:48 No.1474786

  Yeah, I wish Z0NE would just add a vaginal-anal feature in his minis from now on. Anal's no fun.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)21:51 No.1474788

  Estimate exactly when Naruto's face shows up and disappears then either turn off your monitor or
  look away as and turn back just in time to see him cum in her ass.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)22:00 No.1474795

  Looks a little bit creepy but still awesome.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)22:14 No.1474800

  and then mute so I don't have to hear that fuckawful scream... This might work! Thank you anon!

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)22:17 No.1474801

  then shouldn't her anus be poisoned?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)22:33 No.1474812


>> [_] Shabach Demina 02/27/11(Sun)22:36 No.1474814

  I do remember that old discussion about rock candy...seems so long ago...

>> [_] Zone-Sama Mikan !MikanS8F.. 02/27/11(Sun)22:59 No.1474825

  Dear Zone-Sama,
  I love what you do and am glad that you still do it. Quality has grown over the years and you
  never fail to give us what we want. I hope we see more of your greatness in the coming future.
  You're probably even the best tripfriend whenever you DO post. I still have the HKG5 thread saved
  on my computer.

  To those who enjoy these flashes of Zone's,
  If you enjoy them so much, then you should give back to the person who has given you so many
  great fapping sessions by actually signing up on his site. He loves /f/ and 4chan. For those who
  didn't have the pleasure of being on when he practically released HKG5 directly to us, he is a
  saint as far as /f/ [H] goes.
  TL;DR : Give him what he deserves beyond your gratitude. He'll give you more faster.

>> [_] Yosuke Hanamura !vx6YosukeA 02/27/11(Sun)23:04 No.1474831

  Zone doesn't do cartoon stuff. That's a shitty idea.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)23:04 No.1474832


  viral marketing

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)23:10 No.1474837

  I fucking lol'd.

  Never change, 4chan.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)23:11 No.1474839

  This means Wakfu is next!

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)23:12 No.1474840

  Not of the anime or anal but this is pretty good.

  Now let's go flog Fluffy and get his ass to finish Wakfu. We're already into season 2.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)23:17 No.1474846

  Z0NE, /co/ has missed you. It was nice seeing you appear the other day.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/27/11(Sun)23:17 No.1474847

  Soon as I get a job I'd gladly sign-up for his site. I mean after all i've been fappin to ZONE's
  works since like 2004. Heck signing up isn't enough. I need to like donate $50 a month to keep
  his/her spirit up.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)03:05 No.1474851

  i love you zone marry me

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)03:24 No.1474862

  Well nice animation the art is uncanny hell even better then kishi's work. He has gotten lazy
  over the years i guess but i digress good job once again.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)04:00 No.1474875



  You drew Sakura? CONGRATU-FUCKING-LATIONS. Now draw her 50 more times.

  Zone does good cleanup work, layouts, and editing, but the animation is just simple tweens. When
  you know what you're looking at its downright boring.

  This age of computing has created a pool of artists who, rather than savagely attacking their
  canvas, hang around adobe's webpage tapping f5, waiting for someone to make their job easier.

  Lrn 2 calarts.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)04:16 No.1474884

  Wait, that's it?

  Shit Zone, with the time this took you, you could have at least thrown in vaginal and fingering.
  I hope the wakfu project isn't this barren.

>> [_] FUN 02/28/11(Mon)04:23 No.1474889

  Oh, another Sakura/Zone flash, well let's see what the troll is this t-holy shit its real this

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)04:34 No.1474894

  jesus christ this actually is pretty terrifying.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)04:44 No.1474899

  I came a thousand times.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)04:45 No.1474900

  Zoom in on Kyuubi face ruins it.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)04:47 No.1474901

  In the end it's results what matters.

  Also I don't see you delivering so you should go fuck yourself.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)05:18 No.1474910

  Yes he does, you've obviously didn't see the Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends one.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/28/11(Mon)05:18 No.1474911

  rofl, kishi fanboy
Created: 27/2 -2011 23:57:09 Last modified: 3/3 -2011 15:30:52 Server time: 11/03 -2025 12:46:52