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This is resource TPJQP1C, a Archived Thread.
Discovered:24/2 -2011 12:49:26
14 years ago.

Ended:25/2 -2011 00:23:31
14 years ago.

Checked:3/3 -2011 10:10:26
14 years ago.

Original location:
Recognized format: Yes, thread post count is 11.
Discovered flash files: 1

File[sexed.swf] - (5.33 MB)
[_] [H] Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)06:43 No.1472878

  Hentai Game

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)09:09 No.1472916

  So all you can do is hope that you get the option to seduce a student, the rest of the time you
  can only give lectures?

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)10:48 No.1472957

  Select Leave then go to another classroom to seduce students.

  TBH the game is still utter shit

>> [_] Ironmind !iUZ4YQ8oZ. 02/24/11(Thu)11:06 No.1472968

  Right click
  Press play
  Watch hilarious montage of epic slutty teacherness

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)11:46 No.1472985


  Also watch the Sex score skyrocket

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)12:08 No.1472988

  kinda sucks, easy as fuck, would be easier still if the lesbian sex with the teachers counted
  towards sex.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)13:28 No.1473005

  >> Day 15
  >> Math 33
  >> Science 33
  >> Sports 33
  >> English 36
  >> Sex 0
  >> All suspitions below 100
  >> The police are tipped to Leila's activities, and you are immediatly into jail, and school


>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)13:56 No.1473016

  b/c by day 15 you need to have sex at 10 and suspicion at 85

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)14:11 No.1473021

  Trick is to get the sex up to the minimum for the next deadline first, then chat up the teachers
  in the teachers lounge to get the suspicion down, then do lectures.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)16:57 No.1473066

  So easy to cheat the game. Open any interface (other than the default one) and press play, and
  you get the montage of sex(if you do so on the default page, u simply get a montage of random

  Instead of pressing play, press forward, and you'll get one picture at a time.

  The only sex pictures you won't get is the ones with the other teachers. Just click leave, any
  class, teacher's lounge, and press play or forward while you're talking to another theacher.

>> [_] Anonymous 02/24/11(Thu)17:50 No.1473081

  There is no erotic dialogue at all, and the game is just tedious. Why don't I just view s
  collection of images that aren't low quality shit with no middleman?

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Created: 24/2 -2011 12:49:26 Last modified: 3/3 -2011 10:10:30 Server time: 18/03 -2025 09:57:04