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Threads (8):
File: SHARKWITHWHEELSGAME.swf-(3.09 MB, 800x600, Game) [_] Anon 3097229 >> [_] Anon 3097253 Thanks senpai. only got to score 38 because the hitbox on the fins >> [_] Anon 3097256 shark with wheels is best 2hu >> [_] Anon 3097265 >># it's not as bad as bordygordy2, but it's trying, damn it. >> [_] Anon 3097267 >># I would go far as even decided to use even go want to do look more like gachimuchi bros
File[SHARKWITHWHEELSGAME.swf] - (3.09 MB) [_] [G] Trikky 1184877 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1184894 i had a seizure :[ >> [_] Anon 1184896 The shark had a seizure. >> [_] Anon 1184929 the ground had a seisure >> [_] Anon 1184931 The ground had a shark >> [_] Anon 1184932 The seizure had a shark. >> [_] Anon 1184934 name of song? >> [_] Anon 1184993 the song had a seizure. >> [_] Anon 1184997 the shark had a song >> [_] Anon 1185007 The song had a ground. >> [_] Anon 1185008 the ground had a OCTOFUCKERPOTATOCANNON >> [_] Anon 1185009 c-c-combo breaker >> [_] Anon 1185012 c-c-combo breaker >> [_] Anon 1185013 c-c-combo breaker >> [_] Anon 1185014 c-c-combo breaker >> [_] Anon 1185015 c-c-combo breaker >> [_] Anon 1185016 c-c-combo breaker >> [_] Anon 1185017 >># faggot >> [_] Anon 1185019 my eyes IT HURTS SO GOOD >> [_] Anon 1185023 >right click play; click play in game then >right click play; click play in game REPEAT AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE! >> [_] Anon 1185025 >># do that for an easy 100k a minute. >> [_] Anon 1185047 THE NIGGA HAD A NIGGA wait what? >> [_] Anon 1185049 kinda shit considering the fucking awesomeness of the original flash >> [_] Anon 1185108 >># WHAT
File[SHARKWITHWHEELSGAME.swf] - (3.09 MB) [_] [G] Anon 1144071 >> [_] Anon 1144075 307 >> [_] Anon 1144087 SEIZURE >> [_] Anon 1144089 Should be in 8 bit though. >> [_] Anon 1144177 man this game would be so rockin without the fucking seizure. remake it. >> [_] Anon 1144280 brb seizure
File[SHARKWITHWHEELSGAME.swf] - (3.09 MB) [_] [G] [A] [M] [E] [S] nightmoves 1042707 /f/ needs more >> [_] Anon 1042724 ANY WEEI YUU WAN IT DAS DE WEY YYOOU NEEEED ITT >> [_] Anon 1042738 Dude this is fucking bomb! >> [_] Anon 1042763 gee thanks for my seizure >> [_] Anon 1042775 i got to 205, then my eyes started yelling at me. >> [_] Waffle Turtle 1042776 AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH MY EYES ARE BURNING >> [_] Anon 1042781 Got 281! Damn you rocks! >> [_] Anon 1042787 so hard to concentrate with that shit >> [_] Anon 1042791 My game borked it's at the gameover screen but my score just keeps going up and the song keeps playing. Just broke 1k. >> [_] Anon 1042792 5k and the song ended >> [_] Anon 1042803 with: SEIZURE CAUSING ACTION!! >> [_] Anon 1042805 108 And then my eyes melted. >> [_] Anon 1042817 1. right click 2. click play from right click menu 3. quickly click play on main menu 4. die 5. ????? 6. HIGH SCORE! >> [_] Anon 1042823 >># lhighscore >> [_] Anon 1042829 >># I was like what? then I came
File :[SHARKWITHWHEELSGAME.swf] - (3.09 MB) [_] [G] /r/ inside Anon 973887 /r/ something more awesome than this! >> [_] Anon 973898 best score is 180 so far. >> [_] Anon 973902 oh shit! I couldn't stop laughing the entire time 148 >> [_] Anon 973904 god damn 250ish ce.swf this is more awesome >> [_] Anon 973905 324 >> [_] Anon 973906 229 had a seizure >> [_] Anon 973908 omg people are actually reposting my game unfortunately you all are playing the old version, which was meant to be played in a flash player window, hence the 'quit' button. I'll put up the new one. >> [_] Anon 974012 I have a high score of over a million in this actually.
File :[SHARKWITHWHEELSGAME.swf] - (3.09 MB) [_] [G] ANY WAY YOU WANT IT Anon 924927 THAT'S THE WAY YOU NEED IT! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 924932 OH GOD WHAT THE HELL MY GAME IS BUGGED THERE ARE TWO SHARKS SCORE IS GOING UP TO FAST SO MANY ROCKS SEND HELP >> [_] Anon 924951 any way you want it, thats the way you shark it >> [_] Anon 924961 Current score: 475,786 and rising at an ever increasing rate. >> [_] Anon 924988 sored a 0 im the best gammer >> [_] RebelArmadillo 924989 Ugh... it's raping my eyes. The colors, Duke! THE COLORS! >> [_] Anon 924999 >># UPDATE: Score is currently weighing it at no less than 1,600,000, with 16,000,000 being a possibility as well. I have lost the ability to accuratly judge score, as the score has nudged out of the readable range at the end, and thus the number of digets can only be estimated. >> [_] Anon 925060 Sauce on song >> [_] Anon 925066 >># Seriously? >> [_] Anon 925080 >># Yup. >> [_] Anon 925091 >># Do you double niggers not understand that you can simply pick out some lyrics from songs and type them into a search engine such as Google and then add the word "lyrics" to find the name of the song, and lyrics to boot. Then with the name it is a simple matter to find the song itself. >> [_] Anon 925115 "And we sang" crash. Legit gaming ftw. (easy to cheat it) >> [_] Anon 925124 my eyes...omg that was...i can't tell... >> [_] Anon 925137 66, then I had a seizure >> [_] Anon 925180 oh god I almost beat it
File :[SHARKWITHWHEELSGAME.swf] - (3.09 MB) [_] [G] ANYWAY YOU WANT IT Anon 877670 Awesome Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 877679 THAT’S THE WAY YOU NEED IT >> [_] Anon 877719 Needs more chiptunes. >> [_] Anon 877742 SHE LOVES TO LAUGH, SHE LOVES TO SING >> [_] Anon 877761 I just want to make it through the whole song, but once I make it to around speed 9-10 it gets really fucking hard. >> [_] Anon 877814 >># Pfff, I made it to speed 22 or so and died near the end. >> [_] Anon 877822 my score is 1646 and passed the whole song but then y play with out musci and it goes faster. But with out music it sucks... >> [_] Anon 877904 Rise Against's version of the song was better. At least the singing didn't sound like he cut his fucking balls off.
File :[SHARKWITHWHEELSGAME.swf] - (3.09 MB) [_] [G] Anon 856592 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 856602 lol best flash to come along since the original SHARKWITHWHEELS.swf >> [_] Anon 856608 those colors drove me nuts >> [_] Anon 856613 colors are shit and song is annoying >> [_] Anon 856699 >># >># newfags OP did not make this >> [_] Anon 856714 will decompile and make '8bit' version over next few days. This is not OP. >> [_] Anon 856718 I'm blind. PROTIP: Don't move forward. Stay as far left of the screen as you can, it give you more time to rethink your moves. >> [_] Anon 856786 SHARK WITH WHEEEEEEEEEEELS! |