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4,12 MiB, 05:07 | [W] [I]

Threads (2):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 11/10 -2008 04:58:23 Ended: 14/6 -2009 09:46:41Flashes: 1 Posts: 13
TYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" " transitional.dtd"> #RSS [Burichan] [Futaba] - [WT] [Home] [Manage] [PS] [gfx/MATTRESS][a/ani/co/fit/halp/kitchen/ lit/me/pr/psych/sci/scifi/tg/toys/vg/ w/wp/x/zom][b/cake/d/di/elit/ fl/gu/h/men/n/nb/pco/s/sho/ ss / unf ] [IMG]/fl/ - Flash __ [Return] [Entire Thread] [Last 50 posts] Posting mode: Reply __Name __ Email __ Subject __ Reply (reply to 2461) Message __ File __ Password __ (for post and file deletion) * Supported file types are: SWF * Maximum file size allowed is 15648 KB. * Images greater than 200x200 pixels will be thumbnailed. * Currently 1015 unique user posts. View catalog * Blotter updated: 2009-04-16 Show/Hide Show All * 04/16/09 - Lucky Numbers: 7,25,38 __ Donate to keep 7chan alive. You have until the 16th. Paypal: (ASK ON IRC.7CHAN.ORG) Target: $~150/345 __ File lawnmowerdreams.swf - (5.17MB , 320x240 ) [IMG][_] Anon 2461
>> [_] Anon 2464 I laughed, I cried, I was moved. I can now die knowing my life is complete
>> [_] Anon 2483 I always thought I'd never know love. Then I found this.
>> [_] Anon 2485 Truly touching, such a wonderful masterpiece and a work of a genius. I think I sneezed a little in my underbockers.
>> [_] Anon 2489 Name of this song?
>> [_] Anon 2490 SORRY SORRY SORRY, I see the credits at the end of the flash. Shit, happen.
>> [_] 59 2494 i started laughing when it started flying.. Reminded me of like a kung fu master randomly flying away or something
>> [_] Anon 2511 Fake.
>> [_] Anon 2517 >># The lawnmower is simply a shell for a model airplane. You can see through the engine compartment in one scene.
>> [_] Anon 2522 >># it's walking in the air from nightwish
>> [_] Werr Herro 2529 I dunno, this is pretty awesome.
>> [_] Obsidian Gauntlet!C/uEbP208c 2552 best. case-mod. ever. is this original content?
>> [_] Anon 2554 >># Yeah, with enough power basically anything will fly whether it's aerodynamic or not >># Original song is from The Snowman, sang by Peter Auty. But you probably knew that. [Return] [Entire Thread] [Last 50 posts]

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 10/10 -2008 09:57:34 Ended: 10/10 -2008 23:02:16Flashes: 1 Posts: 9..?
Unrecognized thread format. File :[Little Jerry And The Closet.swf] - (4.11 MB) [_] [?] Halloween Flash Anon 834457 >> [_] Anon 834460 my dad was like that with me :( >> [_] Anon 834462 I lol'd >> [_] Anon 834464 o_o ...If I ever have kids, I'm installing one of those closet's their rooms. >> [_] Anon 834469 >># me too >> [_] Anon 834479 approved >> [_] Anon 834485 I would sit infront of that thing in hours then my parents would ground me from it because they'd say it was corrupting my brain. >> [_] Anon 834493 >># ain'T that what you're doing with the PC? i was gonna say tv, but that only brainwash >> [_] Anon 834564 >># Am I the only one that thought the closet was a perfect metaphor for /b/?
Created: 10/10 -2008 09:54:34 Last modified: 9/5 -2019 14:35:33 Server time: 03/01 -2025 00:30:00