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Threads (6):
File: Aether.swf-(6.9 MB, 700x700, Game) [_] Merks Anon 2737487 Merks >> [_] Anon 2737507 cool >> [_] Anon 2737514 >># 3deep5me >> [_] Mr not white 2737549 >># edmund mcmillen woa! >> [_] Anon 2737561 >STILL no sequel I have been waiting 6 fucking years >> [_] Anon 2737567 >># >end up on the water world >suck up some fish >planet now happy >find out you can do things to "solve" the world's problems >next world >end up going into a subterranean cave >solve that world's problem >can't get back out Well, it's an interesting game. >> [_] Anon 2737606 >># >can't get back out yeah the anti-retard cave is effective at doing that
File: Aether.swf-(6.9 MB, 700x700, Game) [_] Anon 2326534 bored >> [_] SAGE 2326595 I still don't get the ending... Was it all a dream and by finishing the quests you succesfully became insane?
File: Aether.swf-(6.9 MB, 700x700, Game) [_] /r/ inside Anon 2325083 I have been looking for a game I used to play, but I can't remember the name. It was probably a flash one, in 2d, where you were a shark, swimming around the level (the whole ocean, with its caves and beaches), and eating stuff in order to survive. You could even jump out of the water at the beach, and bite people running away from you. Do you know that game? >> [_] Anon 2325117 addictinggames com/funny-games/sharkbait.jsp Is this it? >> [_] Anon 2325137 >># No, I think it was Hungry Shark Evolution, but I don't remember playing it on my phone
File: Aether.swf-(6.9 MB, 700x700, Game) [_] soooo booooorreed Anon 2296422 >> [_] Anon 2296457 loads, title screen, links to authors. does nothing else. 0/10 would not d/l again >> [_] Anon 2296465 >># the play button is off to the right for some reason >> [_] Anon 2296468 I visited the four planets, and there was nothing to except in the pink one, where you can grab all the crystals in a cave, and some kind of light appears. Other than that, what's the point of this game? >> [_] Anon 2296469 >># Every planet has a puzzle. They are all quite obvious too, trying looking around.
File: Aether.swf-(6.9 MB, 700x700, Game) [_] Anon 2283493
File :[Aether.swf] - (6.9 MB) [_] [G] ! ! 912691 ! Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 912702 What a ridiculously boring game. >> [_] Anon 912714 This game is so emo it makes me want to go cut by sheer force of osmosis. >> [_] Anon 912759 This game was pretty, but honestly I was thinking that I was going around curing others not de-emo-ifying the main character. Also the random creatures that never had a "cured" state made it difficult to realize it it was time to move to another planet. >> [_] Anon 912762 This game just seemed pretentious >> [_] !Nigger/OcE 912767 this game made firefox go to about 400MB of memory being used brb opera >> [_] Anon 912783 sp how do i do shit >> [_] Anon 912785 >># Click to latch on to a cloud, alternate A and D keys to swing, keep clicking on higher shit till in space, head towards the arrow, land on planet, solve puzzle, leave planet, repeat >> [_] Anon 912792 >># puzzle?! gotta restart >:( >> [_] Anon 912795 FYI, Earth has no puzzle and can't be "solved" until you land on it after solving all the others. >> [_] Anon 912802 how u solve the snow one? >> [_] Anon 912833 >># "I would be happy if I was dead." I dunno, sounded suspicious to me. >> [_] Anon 912836 Bonus points if you find the unmarked mini-planet in space. >> [_] Anon 912857 By any chance is there a download link to the music? It sounds really good. >> [_] Anon 912892 How do you do the one with the mouth? >> [_] Anon 912901 >># keep swinging on the crystals >> [_] Anon 912907 on water planet, what do I do? >> [_] Anon 912908 >># ok, water planet went blue. I don't know what i did though >> [_] Anon 912928 what do i do on the green planet? >> [_] Anon 912935 fuck. the end was a massive anti-climax >> [_] Anon 912943 >># >># You mine for fish! all fish mined then it all happies >> [_] Anon 912964 Spoiler: So...The boy goes insane? |