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Threads (1):
File :[First animation evar SHOOP.swf] - (35 KB) [_] [?] First Animation Evar SHOOP Anon 837702 >> [_] Anon 837710 EPIC WIN >> [_] Anon 837717 you know if you had slapped a audio loop on that it would actually be 100 times as good and might be reposted by someone in the future >> [_] Anon 837720 >># >># samefag It isn't absolutely horrendous for a first try but it definitely isn't 'epic win'. >> [_] ΦPHI !!ygwx5EFX4cF 837754 >># meh I say it really good for first animation ever but I agree long way from Epic win >> [_] Anon 837818 timing. all about timing. try spacing out your pacing to 2 and 3 to build anticipation. >> [_] Anon 837843 EPIC FAIL >> [_] Anon 837890 I think the face should bring up a little more before going shoop, also the shoop looks a little too much like cheap fire effects versus a laz0r. >> [_] Anon 837895 Needs moar laz0r and sound. |