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File :[SuperUltraCloudteroidBlaster.swf] - (139 KB) [_] [G] SuperUltraCloudteroidBlaster Anon 843870 prototype of my ver scroll shmup. doesn't have sound, yet. cloudteroids and your laser escalate as the game progresses. I want to add missiles, but I can't figure out how to get them to chase the cloudteroids. need chasing codes. I want to add super-cloudteroids that can shoot (bullets) at the player's current location. need targeting codes. >> [_] Anon 843902 boring after so many points you can just sit in the middle holding the space button down >> [_] Anon 843916 the fact that it takes multiple shots to take down regular blobs makes it irritating, add more enemies, alot of 1-shottables, and some of your cloudteroids or whatever. make more interesting terrain, powerups are a must for these types - unlss you plan to go galaga, but then you're gonna need some ultracool sound effects. work on AI, add a stage boss and some kind of ending to a wave that would bring the transition to the next. adding more harder enemies and all that good stuff. but never let it get 'too' hard. since we're in space, perhaps some debris and undestroyables. really, something to make it more interesting is all you need. more fluid movements and animation (such as banking left and right), for you, and the enemies as well. slap on your genericshooterstoryline and you got yourself a game >> [_] Anon 843937 This game is like the anti-Touhou. It's ugly, it has no soundtrack or SFX, and instead of making me weep with frustration in bores me to tears. >> [_] Anon 843952 Some tips from me: Some onscreen indicator of when the weaponry gets powered up, without reading this page i wouldnt have known it increases, as i got bored after after about 30 seconds and stopped. With some promise of greater power i would have carried on. The game wasnt able to handle itself once i was up to 7 bullets, lag like fuck when firing from the bottom of the screen as for chasing code, i havent written actionscript for ages, but the logic should be something like next frame pos = last frame pos + (current speed + a fraction of the distance to enemy) the size of the fraction determines how 'responsive' the missiles are >> [_] Anon 843957 >># that pseudo-code is exactly what I have in mind, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around the array thing I'm using to run the Cloudteroid spawning. how do I make a missile pick a target from a variable number of them? (this might help me write code to clear the screen of enemies on restart) also how would I go about animating the missile pointing at the direction it is moving? no idea what is causing your lag, could it be the mass of PSD sprites? or how about the 2400x300 PSD that's the scrolling background? >># this is a prototype, I'm doing the hard stuff first, coding and design. in addition to animation, I'm planning patterned waves of iron roids that you have to dodge, boss roids with nebulus tentacle attacks, and many choices on what kind of laser/missile upgrades you can obtain from the powerups that will spawn from destroying certain sets of roid >># print out a screen shot on some toilet paper and wipe those tears away! >> [_] Anon 843958 Download Tyrian if you need some inspiration. I loved that game. >> [_] Anon 843964 >># youll porbably have to calculate the position of all enemies on screen upon firing, then extrapolate closest target i was up to 7 bullets, at the bottom of the screen thats lots at once, at that stage inn the game thats also a lot of enemies, also i noticed the off-screen draw at the top, enemies spawn in a whole screen higher than the player can see usually (squash the window up to see), so a whole bunch of enemies that are being dealt with by the process, that arent even interactive yet; tho there is no doubt a reason for this it all adds up for a better background effect, how about a couple of layers of white/coloured dots over a black background, scrolling diffetne speed for a parallax effect >> [_] Anon 844016 >># >Download Touhou if you need some inspiration. I loved that game. Fixed |