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This is the wiki page for Flash #43708
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toon_1225930853639_polly_cat_ani mation_old.swf
63,4 KiB, 00:05 | [W] [I]

Threads (1):

ARCHIVEDDiscovered: 8/11 -2008 15:18:07 Ended: 9/11 -2008 05:21:41Flashes: 1 Posts: 12
File :[toon_1225930853639_polly_cat_animation _old.swf] - (63 KB)
[_] [H] SOURCE! Anon 845607 pretty fresh repost Marked for deletion (old).
>> [_] Anon 845624 Samurai Pizza Cats, motherfucker!
>> [_] Anon 845625 >># I meant who made it it's pretty obvious that it's SPC
>> [_] Anon 845649 Odd shaped boobs are odd
>> [_] juras 845667 >># Well x) Dunno... I beter liked it flat there)
>> [_] Anon 845683 I am tempted to make this look/animate decent, but i don't want anyone to get their hopes up as i probably never will be satified enough to put it back up on /f/.
>> [_] Anon 845690 >># How about just redrawing one frame? Still pictures are good too, seeing as how that's all you get on most of 4chan anyway.
>> [_] Anon 845719 >># DO IT!
>> [_] Anon 845733 yiff in hell, etc etc
>> [_] Anon 845747 >># Tried get the hang of the bones tool, not much luck there, i guess it will take a while to master that, guess i'll have to do it the old fashioned way. Can't program for shit in CS3 anyway.
>> [_] Anon 845748 >># AS3*
>> [_] Oni !6NneqKIo2k 845839 Quite possible this was done by the furry-artist pizzacat.
Created: 6/11 -2008 03:08:53 Last modified: 11/8 -2019 09:34:45 Server time: 03/01 -2025 00:42:42