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Threads (4):
File: dogofman.swf-(4.62 MB, 600x400, Hentai) [_] Anon 3361769 >> [_] Let's not be Anon today. 3361799 I... don't like this. Not because of the bad animation(which isn't even that bad), not because of the gross noises, not even because of the creepy art style. The reason I don't like this is because the plot is trash! What were the dogs motives? Why did the dog purposly kill that mans body to then just give away his own? Did the dog know that the tumor would kill the man? I assume so since the dog predicted his death. At first I was led to believe that the dog was out to kill the man, and that he was the bad guy, but no bad guy would sacrifice their own life to save the person they were trying to kill. 3/10 terrible plot, but great animation. >> [_] SaladFingers 3361852 >># I bet the answer is found in your overly analysing reply and not just because ripping off famous swfs at that time that were OH SO RANDOM and OH SO CREEPY and OH SO NONSENSICAL was the newgrounds thing to do. I'm ONLY giving this a ONE, beacuase the voices were pretty gud. BUT THAT'S IT!
File: dogofman.swf-(4.62 MB, 600x400, Other) [_] Anon 3347582 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 3347585 wat >> [_] Anon 3347601 the >> [_] Anon 3347605 fuk >> [_] Anon 3347712 First time I saw this. >> [_] Anon 3347715 Ive seen so many times and always great
File[dogofman.swf] - (4.62 MB) [_] [?] dog of man Anon 1349395 Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 1349412 Well, that was anti-climatic >> [_] Anon 1349413 I can't even begin to understand. >> [_] Anon 1349414 wtf did i just watch ? >> [_] Anon 1349427 This is why Jewgounds sucks boy and girls... >> [_] Anon 1349435 >># what's the matter, too DEEP for you ? >> [_] Anon 1349437 that was awful. i hate you. >> [_] :3 FurFan !!ITx6Th3pbEj 1349453 that was fucking amazing!! friggin salad fingers guy... but yeah, maybe theres a deeper meaning to this than i see.. so i just lol'd >> [_] Anon 1349496 This flash deals with the question of evil. Dog, which is God backwards, gives the human the thing that will ultimately kill him; seeds, which represent sin. At the end the dog "gives him his body", representing Jesus. The man then offers thanks tot he tumorous corpse and places it on a pedestal. Much like Christians hang the cross. tl;dr - It's stupid. Don't watch it. >> [_] Anon 1349562 >># butthurt atheist faggot detected ... but for the rest, surprisingly appropiate explanation. >> [_] Anon 1349575 >># I thought he said "fuck you very much" if not, he should have >> [_] Anon 1349579 >># Goddamn, after so long it finally makes some sense. Sort of. >> [_] Anon 1349644 >># iamokaywiththis.jpg
File :[dogofman.swf] - (4.62 MB) [_] [?] David Firth? Dogofman! Indeed! Anon 850314 That David Firth fellow is rate queer in the head. Marked for deletion (old). >> [_] Anon 850315 Oh, Come on now! what the fuck is this shit? >> [_] Anon 850316 Always a treat, Firth's animations. >> [_] It's true, and you fucking know it. Anon 850319 >># The man is high on something, and it's obviously not doing anything good for him. >> [_] Anon 850326 Jesus fuck, what the hell did I just watch? >> [_] Anon 850342 There's nothing quite like watching something that is obviously meant to be poignant but is so hazed by severe drug use no one understands it. >> [_] Supernaut 850344 i know theres a message here...i just dont know what it is...and i want to know >> [_] Anon 850345 This is still better than most of the shorts I saw at the Ottawa Animation Festival this year >> [_] Anon 850366 >># crazy as his shit is, Firth's animations are still quite brilliant. >> [_] Anon 850369 God damn it, now I'm not going to be able to get to sleep tonight...brrrrrrrr! >> [_] Dancing stick man with penis Anon 850371 who cut off the guys limbs in order to put them on the dog's body? the guy cut off his own head before he could cut off his own limbs also what the hell is this video supposed to mean >> [_] !Nigger/OcE 850372 Oh /f/, you're such a tame board at times like this. >> [_] Anon 850375 As the flash neared its end, my thoughts were: "Gee, maybe you shouldn't have used the ENTIRE PACKAGE of tumor seeds" "That is one wicked sharp goddamn knife" "Ewww, dog of man, yeah, we get it" "Who is he thanking? The tumor? For what?" >> [_] Dancing stick man with penis Anon 850378 maybe he wanted to become one with the dog...? i think he makes these videos for no particular reason than to make people go wtf >> [_] Anon 850382 >># you're exactly right my fellow anon. The sole purpose of his animations are to be bizarre. wtf for wtf's sake if you will. Personally I think it's shit. >> [_] Anon 850384 >># some would disagree with your sentiment >> [_] Anon 850394 Honestly, I can't stand anything of Filth's. This was just a piece of shit. >> [_] Anon 850397 wat >> [_] Anon 850434 Tumorlicious! . . . I shudder at this statement. >> [_] Anon 850446 That was one sharp knife. >> [_] Anon 850450 at some point who knows >> [_] Anon 850457 I prefer salad fingers. >> [_] Anon 850464 Since when did David Firth become disturbing? Theres more disturing /f/-material out there. >> [_] Anon 850472 >># agreed, Although some of his stuff is entertaining this is pretty bad. >> [_] Anon 850506 LOLWUT >> [_] Anon 850515 Creepy as fuck. But I think I know what it meant. The man is a lonely one. He sees people with lots of friends, vain superficial people who cling like tumours. He wants even that small measure of social acceptance, so he asks his friend (the dog) what he should do. The friend tells him what he should do to gain social acceptance and he attempts to change, to grow friends of his own. He finds that these new friends are parasitic, they steal from him everything and give him nothing but their presence. His real friend sees what is happening, that this new friend is killing him, and sacrifices himself to save the man. The man says thank you at the end to the tumour for teaching him a valuable lesson. He says thank you to the dog for freeing him of his delusions. >> [_] Anon 850524 >># shut up >> [_] Anon 850531 >># shut up >> [_] Anon 850535 >># >># >># ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzz ...thaaaaaank youuuuuu >> [_] Anon 850538 >># shut up >> [_] Anon 850557 >># shut up >> [_] Anon 850570 Trying to find rhyme or reason to any of this man's stuff is retarded. There's no hidden message, quit trying to find it, and appreciate (or don't) the work for what it is. Fucking senseless. >> [_] Anon 850591 Just seems like gore for gore's sake. Usually I quite like these things, but I dunno, I just think this is a waste of time. I could make shit about ten times more fucked up than this without really trying; only reason I don't is because, well, what's the point? >> [_] Anon 850598 Fuck yeah, fat-pie! |